house rabbits


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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kizzy my new rabbit is to be a house rabbit (i think). She has been one since i have got her. So far im floowing her round collecting tods and wiping up wee.
Tommorw i am going to get a litter try for a rabbit and place it where she does her wee's in the hope that she may learn to do them in that. I don't mind the tods but can't cope with pee.

does anyone have any tips on keeping a house rabbit?
Is it a good idea?
hubby used to have house rabbits as a child he wants anouther one now
but they aint really my kind of pet
he really liked them though
and i think they are alot safer being kept inside
manda xx
our rabbit (not a house one though) always liked to wee & poo in the same corner of his litter tray & kept himself quite clean too.
you have to watch that the rabbit doesn't get hold of electrical cables though , as she may chew through them :(
Hi we have a house bunny called Honey, shes a ginger lionhead and she is kept in a cage in our living room, when we 1st got her it was such hard work as she chewed the carpets and the curtains, pooped all over the floor, what we did was (sounds sick) colected all her poo's and put them in a litter tray in corner of the lounge, everytime she pooped, and that seemed to work until we transfered the poop into her cage, so now she hops into the cage when she needs to go :D
One thing we didnt do and wished we would of done was put all our wires up high, as she chewed through them all which was very anoying, lucky they were unplugged, to stop her doing that everytime we saw her going near anything she could chew we made a loud noise, like clapped and she learnt eventually! shes so tame now, like a little dog!
i had a house rabbit, if you get em a litter tray and put the poo they do on the floor into it they soon get the idea, seems to make them very tame too which is good with kiddies about :D
our boy lion head (tarzan) was a house bunny for the 1st 6 months, as we had him about this time of year..and he did my head in.. chewed everything.. weed everywhere..gah!! never again.. we tried the litter tray thing and he just liked putting the litter outside the tray and laying in it.. so he now lives outside with his ginger lionhead girlfriend (biscuit)..and they are fine.. happily breeding :)
I had a black lion head house rabbit. We were really lucky that he used his potty without any problems.

We just placed a corner potty within his cage and he was happy to use it all the time.

He never ever did the toilet outwith his cage. I guess we were just lucky.

Hope you find something that works, as my friend had the same problem and to be honest the wee did make her house smell bad. xxx
thanks everyone for your replies!

saffy thats a gorgeous rabbit :)


today i bought a litter tray for a rabbit and filled it with hay and sawdust like it says and hey presto she wee's in it. No poo just wee but thats the best part.

i cannot beleive how quick she has picked it up! clever bunny.
That's great.

My advice would be to put a few of her poos in the potty to show her where to do them to.

Good luck. Keep us updated. xxx
NIE said:
That's great.

My advice would be to put a few of her poos in the potty to show her where to do them to.

Good luck. Keep us updated. xxx

yeah thats what i did. i collected loads and threw them in and her wee wee too. i dabbed it up onto tissue and popped the tissue in it. she seems to have grasped the wee. maybethey don't have cotrol over their tods :think:
Ikea do stuff which I think is supposed to keep lots of wires together - it's a tube but not a solid one, its's overlapping so you can slip wires into it. I don't know if that makes sense. Anyway, it's £2.50 for a couple of metres and keeps wires safe from bunny teeth! Our 2 love wires so I'm glad we found it!

I'm very sad as we have decided we have to give our house bunnies away. They get hay all over the carpet, which seems to end up everywhere! I bought a nappy (I'm going to use reusables) and it was never near the bunnies and it got a bit of hay in it! So we're obviously not good enough at housekeeping to have 2 bunnies (one with long hair, which I think is the reason for the hay getting everywhere as it gets in his hair) a cat and a baby. Does anyone else have the hay problem? We vacuum a couple of times a week and have one of those carpet cleaner things that don't use elecricity which we use in the bunnies room everyday but it still seems to get about a lot. The baby will be having the bunnies room and it's just too much mess for the living room! :cry:
OMG!! kizzy is becoming distructive! shes scratching at the carpet and nippling and tugging at it! :shock:

i have tried just removing her from it so far. does anyone have any other suggestions for avoiding such behaviour

is a rabbit meant to be indoors i am now aasking myself :rotfl:
I used to have a house rabbit called Pewter. He died unexpectedly early last year and I really miss him as it was just the two of us at the time. He chewed carpets, and cables galore (and those tidy tubes didn't help that much either) but he would only pee in his hutch which was in the spare room upstairs. His poop would generally be the same, but I would hoover regularly and also laid paper down in the corners of the lounge where he would poop too (not recommended when you have kids of course). He was loveable like his father, but had the temper of his mother and if he felt I'd got on his nerves, he'd pee on my bed while I was asleep to get his own back on me. He could be a naughty rabbit when he wanted to be, but having his companionship every day made that seem worth it.

Here's a picture of the little devil -

he looks so cute!

how do you stop a rabbit tugging and chewing at your clothes? Kizzy keeps doing it and sometimes she nips me by mistake when tugging at my jeans or pj bottoms (ouch)

here is a picture of her by the way. This is the day we got her


Hi budge. Kizzy is lovely, but maybe she should be outdoors. Personally, I wouldn't keep a rabbit inside, I believe they carry Leptospirosis in their mouths (nasty but I think hamsters and mice do too) and as well as that wild rabbits practise coprophagy - ie eat their own poo. It doesn't make for clean teeth or mouths.
SO I would advise you to clean anything she's chewed, at least until you make sure that domesticated rabbits don't do the same as wild ones.

So many adorable buns! We have a house rabbit called Miss Grace and she too is a lionhead and a very pretty one at that!

When we adopted her, she wasn't litter trained, she just used to go wherever she wanted. We found she was going to the toilet in the same place in the living room all the time, so placed her tray there. She also has a covered litter tray in her bedroom but whenever she's out and about, she wouldn't dream of going back into her room to use the loo, she has to use the living room facilities :?

She's also a terrible chewer and will chew as a matter of course. As she is passing us by, sometimes she'll have a taste of whatever we're wearing. She's tasted my clothes, my husband's, the curtains, the walls, she tried the french doors, the normal doors, the radiator .... in fact it would be easier to say what she hasn't had a go at - the ceiling.
We try the assocaition method. If she chews our clothes or something else, we scoop her up and put her in her bedroom, and if she's about ready to chew something, we clap very loudly, which they don't like at all and she usually stops. You could give her something which she's allowed to chew, we gave Grace the old Yellow Pages which she would gleefully tear apart!

Rabbits get bored very easily, so make sure Kizzy has something to occupy her mind. Gracie likes the bunny tunnels that Pets At Home stock. She also likes home made play areas, which we construct out of cardboard boxes and a laundry basket! It looks unsightly, but keeps her busy.

This is Miss Grace by the way -


oooh, theyre gorgeous and Miss grace looks just like my bunny, Betty. These are my buns... (they wouldve been house buns, but they were too destructive :( )
Bobby and Betty relaxin' under the hutch on a hot day

Baby Betty

Bobby, looking handsome

Bobs in his hutch
Oh my goodness, sazzylou! Your buns are just beautiful! I just adore Betty and Bobby is a handsome little devil himself!
Do your little ones have teeth problems?

Isn't it funny how many lionheads there are here!
Miss M said:
Oh my goodness, sazzylou! Your buns are just beautiful! I just adore Betty and Bobby is a handsome little devil himself!
Do your little ones have teeth problems?

Isn't it funny how many lionheads there are here!

Your buns are just beautiful!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry childish to laugh at i know but ive had such a poo day that cracked me up!

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