Hospital Tours


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2008
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hi ladies im just wondering when the right time to go on these tours is?

have i left it too late now or am i too early?
I went on mine about a month ago, but most of the ladies also on the tour were well ahead of me and due within 2 or 3 anytime between 32 and 38 weeks is fine I think :D
i went when i was 31 weeks, and although i was far behind alot of other people, ive had to go to delivery suite with concerns twice since so im glad i went when i did :) it reassured me knowing where it is!
lol i already know the pre natal assessment department like the back of my hand thanks to my darling boy having a thing for scaring us think i might phone them some time in the next few weeks and see when we can go
Hi hun mine was a month ago its really worth doing so dont leave it too late :D
I am on mine this Saturday I thought it might be too early but they are quite fully booked so its this weekend!!! :D

Im a tad scarred though!! :(
lillyblue said:
I am on mine this Saturday I thought it might be too early but they are quite fully booked so its this weekend!!! :D

Im a tad scarred though!! :(

Oh dont be scared, you might get a pleasant surprise - I came home from mine so upbeat and excited as my hospital has a fantastic birthing unit, which is MW was wonderful, low lighting, soft music, yoga mats, pools and birth balls rather than traditional beds etc.... I wasnt expecting anything like it and was actually excited about using the facilities!

Of course non of its possible for me now........ :(
thanks Elliebelle... I doubt nine will be like that but no harm in praying :pray:

i dont think there is a right or wrong time and cant see what difference it makes how many weeks you are, i went at 38 weeks.

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