I haven't read the previous replies, so this might be duplicating things, but this is what i say in the antenatal classes that I give:
Nightie/vest/ dress what ever you plan to labour/deliver in. Might need a couple for this as it gets mucky
also take another one to sleep in, in case you spend the night. If you're planning to labour in water, think about what you might want to wear, like a tankini or bikini top or something. Some women wear t-shirts, some go naked.
Loads of pairs of massive black pants. Don't rely on the disposable ones, they're not the best.
A couple of packs of maternity pads for your pants (they look and feel like boats but hey)
Lip balm (essential if youre having gas and air)
Take plastic bags for your dirty/wet clothes.
A drink bottle that has an inbuilt straw
breast pads and nursing bras
if formula feeding most trusts will need you to take in the formula starter packs that are pre-made.
Cool spritz spray as your face will get really, really hot!
your wash bag - dont forget a hair tie and hair brush and tooth brush, most people seem to forget these bits.
socks (your feet can get cold in labour)
flip fops - no one wants to walk on the hospital floor really
Tennis ball (for lower back massage by your birthing partner and you can also roll it in your hands to distract you from contractions)
Snacks (lots of) for you and your birthing partner. High energy stuff that you can just nibble on if you feel nauseous, but that will give you a decent energy fix. I usually say, jelly babies, haribo, percy pigs.....cereal bars whatever (anyone with gestation diabetes needs to be careful what they eat obviously) lucozade sport is also a really good drink to take it (the flat water one) cause it gives you that energy burst even if you can't bring yourself to eat anything.
Comfy clothes for wearing at the hospital/traveling home in,
download films/series on to a tablet or phone before you go, labour can be boring! it's not all dramatic lol. Partners get really REALLY bored.
Spare clothes/underwear/deodorant for partner
Remember ibuprofen and paracetamol for at home
Nipple cream
Nappies for babe
few sleep suits
couple of hats
take some cotton wool too but most trusts will supply this for cleaning babies bums.
Also, think of a playlist of your favourite music, music that you really enjoy causes your pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin, which is the hormone needed for contractions.
Some LED candles if you want them there