Horrible pulling sensation in tummy


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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I was lying in bed last night about to go to sleep. I coughed and got a really horrible pulling sensation deep inside my lower abdomen, it was quite painful and made me double up. Had some weird pulling pains for a bit after. Anyone else experienced this, is it just the uterus stretching? I thought it was weird because it seemed to be caused by my coughing :think:
I have had this about 4 or 5 times over the last week or so, I was going to make a post too. It lasts for about 20-30 seconds and I have to breath through the pain, it isn't really terrible, but it is sharp enough to stop me in my tracks, but then it is fine.
I think it must be the uterus stretching, I amsure I may have read other people having this too.
I hope you're feeling ok now :hug:
Yes it's fine today, and it was so weird, like a pain, but not a painful type of pain. It was quite frightening cos the pulling was so deep and intense!
Could it be round ligament pain as it all grows? With Mel I had a lot of this around the 2nd tri, especially when I did some exercise and it could be quite painful...?

+++ :hug:
I had this too around the 5-6 week mark, sometimes I would get up too quickly and the pain would force me to sit back down straight away.

It's normal, just the uterus stretching - take the paracetamol if it gets too bad - I did.
Thanks guys, having googled round ligament pain it does sound very much like that. It says it can be bought on by coughing or moving suddenly in bed :D
I get that on the left side, too. It isn't very strong, but it's exactly as you descrbed - a sort of pulling/tugging sensation. I don't think there's anything to worry about though.
Me too when I sneeze or turn too fast in bed, or get up quickly. Its so weird, I'm sure I was never this sensitive to every ache and pain before I was preg!
I'm turning into such a hypochondriac, thank god for you girls, its so reassuring to realise I'm not the only one!
I got it again this afternoon when I sneezed! :lol: Was a lot milder than last night though. Didn't scare me this time cos I knew what it was.
When it happened last night I was convinced I was gonna start bleeding
i keep getting this too i keep thinking theres something wrong!! glad its just normal then
I've also had this and have just put it down to things stretching :?
I've had this for weeks and weeks so try not to worry. Every time I turn over in bed I feel a pulling sensation and sometime when I had been sat bent over or with my legs up I get a bad pulling feeling too.

All I'll say is take your time when turning over in bed and things like that. I used to throw myself around a lot LOL, but now I take it easy and do it very carefully. Just think about how much stretching is going on inside you to make way for your little one. But honestly, what you have described sounds ABSOLUTELY NORMAL!! :D :D
midna said:
Oooo I get that when I sneeze I have to brace myself each time dosnt always set it off but quite often. Unfortunatly I seemed to of developed hayfever since being preggo so its a lil ennoyin lol. xx

Ooh, yes, I forgot about sneezing and coughing too. I hold the bottom of my stomach now as I feel it pulling every time LOL
Hopefully this will be of some comfort to you:

What is round ligament pain?

Round ligament pain generally refers to a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a longer-lasting dull ache that pregnant women commonly feel in the lower abdomen or groin, starting in the second trimester.

You may feel round ligament pain as a short jabbing sensation if you suddenly change position, such as when you're getting out of bed or out of a chair or when you cough, roll over in bed, or get out of the bathtub. You may feel it as a dull ache after a particularly active day — when you've been walking a lot or doing some other physical activity.

The round ligaments surround your uterus in your pelvis. As your uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments stretch and thicken to accommodate and support it. These changes can occasionally cause pain on one or both sides of your abdomen.

You may feel the pain starting from deep inside your groin, moving upward and outward on either side to the top of your hips. The pain is internal, but if you were to trace it on your skin, it would follow the bikini line on a very high-cut bathing suit.
When should I call my doctor or midwife?
The sharp, jabbing type of round ligament pain shouldn't last longer than the few seconds in which you're changing position or getting up. Don't hesitate to call your caregiver any time abdominal aches or pains continue after a short rest or are accompanied by:

• Severe pain or cramping, or more than four contractions in an hour (even if they don't hurt)

• Low back pain, especially if you didn't previously have back pain, or an increase in pressure in the pelvic area (a feeling that your baby is pushing down)

• Bleeding, spotting, or a change in the type or amount of vaginal discharge

• Fever, chills, faintness, or nausea and vomiting

• Pain or burning when you urinate
What can I do to relieve the discomfort?
If you've been reassured by your practitioner that what you're feeling is round ligament pain, sit down and try to relax when the pain strikes. Resting comfortably should alleviate your symptoms.

You can also try flexing your knees toward your abdomen to get some relief or lying on your side with a pillow under your belly for support and another one between your legs. A warm bath may help, too.

If you find that you're more prone to round ligament pain when you're particularly active, cut back to see if that helps. Then, if you feel fine, you can gradually increase your activity until you find the level of exertion that's comfortable for you[/b]

i have had this all the way through and it just feels like ligaments
i had it the last time but weeks before i m/c so i dont feel it was related at all
take care

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