Horrible hiccups


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Does anyone elses baby have the most awful hiccups sometimes? Annabelle does. They sound painful and when she gets them they ruin her good mood so she must hat ethem. she sounds so uncomfortable. :eh:

i give her gripe water and keep her upright but does anyone have any other tips??x
Aww - I know how you feel. Evelyn's get worse and worse until she's in tears :-( She get's so upset but the more she makes a fuss the worse they get too.

I feed her and that makes them stop quite quickly. They say a dummy helps too but Evie wont take one anyway x
Cahal gets terrible hiccups, but touch wood, they don't seem to bother him. Same as Tasha though, if I feed him they seem to go pretty quickly!
Yup, mostly Ross isn't bothered by them. My mum always says it's a sign of trapped wind but he doesn't look windy when he's hiccuping and quite good at getting his wind up now. I give Ross a 'milk chaser' as it usually happens just after a feed so a wee chaser helps, or just a wee drop water, or his dummy. Anything to get him sucking.
currenty typing with a furious hiccuping boy in my arms :roll: Im gonna go and find a dummy now!
I had no idea sucking helped! I will try that then! She loves her dummy x

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