

Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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These pregnancy hormones are driving me mad!!

I'm happy one minute, in a rage the next and then in floods of tears!

I get upset over the stupidest of things. Example, we were in town today and went into Costa for a Frescato because it was boiling hot and there ice machine thingy was broken and I burst into tears. The assistant didn't know where to look lol He tried to be helpful and was saying where the other costa shops were and I just flew into a strop saying I don't want to walk that far!

I'm finding it so frustrating not being able to walk far either with my SPD pain.

And then to top it all off, the one thing I've being looking forward to is going to see Bjork tomorrow night. And I find out today that it's been cancelled and won't be rescheduled :(
aw that really sucks about Bjork!

Im really suffering with hormones already as well.
I burst into tears the other day because i had more hair on one arm then the other!
OH spent 10 minutes reassuring me that both arms are beautiful :rotfl:

At least we have an excuse. A bump seems to act like a pass, as soon as we have one its like we have a right to act as crazy as we want!
Apparently i'm annoying Dave by moaning too much about her not being here!! He just doesnt understand, i've been pregnant forever and she's meant to be here now *stomps foot down* , then i start getting all pregnant lady hormonal thinking the reason i irritate him is cos he doesnt care if shes here on not and he doesnt want her and i get all worked up!!!

I also cried on saturday cos i wasnt in any pain :wall: stupid hormones
i have spent most of this week crying about a stray cat, and right now i am crying about Asma's post (but i defy anyone not to cry at that).

Sandi4Paul said:
i have spent most of this week crying about a stray cat, and right now i am crying about Asma's post (but i defy anyone not to cry at that).


I've just read it, it sort of puts things into perspective doesn't it?
i cried yesterday because my bath ran cold twice!!!! i have also just read asmas post that is so sad xxx
I am managing to hold back the tears, but here are some of the examples of when I came close to crying recently:

My glider chair was arriving on Monday instead of Friday
My aquanatal class was cancelled for next week
In my first antenatal class the video said breastfeeding is a wonderful experience
In my first partner's antenatal class someone mentioned skin-to-skin contact
I couldn't get my mail merge to go right at work

Ha. I also have the problem about not seeing my husband enough. I just want to be with him constantly. Luckily he likes that and hasn't complained.

And poor Asma. I am trying to figure out how to reply to that post.
i know how you feel girls. i just feel all up and down. :?

crying for no reason, grr its annoying because later i realise its nothing to cry about. Nice to know im not going bonkers! i used to cry about a stray cat... but that was long before i was pregnant! haha :oops:

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