Hopefully it's time!!

Been sent home as not in established labour, told to take paracetamol, hot baths & sleep.
Don't know how that's going to work I've had 4 baths since the morning, paracetamol doesn't touch the sides & my contractions are 4 mins apart so no sleep lol
Don't think I was cut out for this labour malarkey lol
Oh Hun just posted the last message as u did. Hope things pick up for u and that u r in full labour soon !! Big hugs xxxx
Keep up the good work Hun :hug: not long til you will meet your baby :love: can't believe how busy today is on here, babies popping out all over the place :good: xx
Hope u managed to get some rest. How r things this morning. U will be fab, u will be meeting your baby v soon now :-) xx
Hope you're going ok tinks.....just keep thinking that the end is near now...........I am sure u r doing fab!! xx
hows things going ? hope you managed to get some sleep
ooooh I hope tinks is jst so busy cuddling her new baby! Who's her txt buddy? Anyone have her on FB?

Hope all is well Tinks

Only just catching up, as usual... Hope you've had your little bundle of joy by now, and that everything has gone well for you!
Eeep, I wonder how she's getting on or if baby is here yet. Does she have a text buddy? x
oooh hope its all happened now and ur too busy snuggling to update. xxxx
Not yet :-( water broke lunchtime today do we came in and told I was only 3cm.......but....... Because I was exhausted & very dehydrated they admitted me at 3pm today. Once examined they realise baby had pooped so was whisked straight into delivery to be monitored.
Have been put on a drip for dehydration and have just had hormone drop started & epidural.
Haven't slept since 3am Monday as all my contractions were 5/6 mins apart from the start.
Looking forward to a nap and hopefully she'll be here by morning :-)

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