Home sick :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Well I no longer have any of my stuff at my mums anymore as I've moved it all up to the new house.

I've been out today and bought some cushions that I loved in the shop and now that I've got them to the house I hate them and they just look so out of place :(. I went and bought some other things but just can't feel motivated to get them out of the bag so I've curled up on the sofa with my dressing gown and I'll look later. I wanted to get everything out and sorted for when OH gets here with the bed but I don't want to feel upset when I also dislike all the other things I've bought and end up putting them back in the bag.

I feel so ungrateful as OH and his family have done so much to help us be able to move in and of course OH has worked his arse off so we can have a house but I just hate it here and want to go home :(!

I think it's just the realisation now that this is it, I've finally moved out of home properly :( xx
Awwwww you poor thing... :hugs:

I'm the biggest Mummy's girl ever and even though I've travelled a lot, I've cried every time I've got somewhere new as I miss my parents and my mum so much! I really understand it's tough - try explaining it to OH and hopefully he'll understand that it's not being ungrateful, it's just a big transition. It'll get better in time hon xxxxx
Oh lovely it's a huge change at a vital moment in your life and those pesky hormones are bound to be adding extra pressure :hug:

Give yourself some time, make a huge hot chocolate and relax for the evening xx
I agree with the other ladies. You've made a huge change AND you are waiting for bubs to arrive. It'll take a bit of time but you will make it home very soon because this is where you'll be bringing baby home to there. You just need to nest and find your comfy places.
It will soon be your home, especially when LO arrives. Its maybe because of how far along you are and the realisation :)
Hope you settle in soon xx
Feeling a bit better this morning about it all. Made me and OH our first home cooked tea last night and tried to get used to the cooker and it wasn't a disaster, he cleaned up and then we cuddled up for the first time in ages and watched a DVD.

Didn't sleep great and ended up on the sofa but I'm putting that down to baby being awkward.

Still feels like I'm on holiday but I'm sure once baby is actually here I will get used to it properly :) xx

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