home and away


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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i dont know if i am the only sad one here that watches it but how sad has it been the last to days all i have done is cried during it lol. and tonite wen everyone turned up at the beach with candles it was so loverly my mum thinks i am crazy lol
lol sarah i started watching t in Oz as there was nothing else on so i'm a couple of months ahead of here and it's weird watching stuff that happened before lol.
I am another saddo who watches it - Manda tell us what is going to happen then!!!!!

I was crying when Flin was saying his last good-byes last night.
OH was laughing at me,
stupid ickle git laughing at me.
He cant talk he cried when steph had her baby on neighbours lol
mmmm dont read this if you dont want to know what happens nothing major i don't think, sal copes well, cas and rick split up and both find new partners, lea and dan split up, (she snogs his brother not sure if thats already happened or not yet) dan is in car accident nearly dies then goes bit nuts, rick gets bullied at work in garage as an apprentice. Whats her face the blonde one thats gone with that cult thingy i gets back with whats his name and they get married and she's preggers but its the blokes from the cult, that nurse and kim get together josh gets murdered not gonna tell you who did it unless you really want to know but you'll never guess who did it. That mad women that got killed cant think of her name (as you can tell i'm useless at names lol) she was the stalker she's back anyway and they think Dans brother (the copper) is dodgy, coleen and sal go to italy, cant think of anything else major aty the mo :) some of it is quite gripping stuff - never thought iod say that lol.
Manda said:
mmmm dont read this if you dont want to know what happens nothing major i don't think, sal copes well, cas and rick split up and both find new partners, lea and dan split up, (she snogs his brother not sure if thats already happened or not yet) dan is in car accident nearly dies then goes bit nuts, rick gets bullied at work in garage as an apprentice. Whats her face the blonde one thats gone with that cult thingy i gets back with whats his name and they get married and she's preggers but its the blokes from the cult, that nurse and kim get together josh gets murdered not gonna tell you who did it unless you really want to know but you'll never guess who did it. That mad women that got killed cant think of her name (as you can tell i'm useless at names lol) she was the stalker she's back anyway and they think Dans brother (the copper) is dodgy, coleen and sal go to italy, cant think of anything else major aty the mo :) some of it is quite gripping stuff - never thought iod say that lol.

oooooooOOOOOOOOOooooo I love some good old goss! :D
my source is not online ill ask her wen she come on if its before manda
do ya really wanna know?
i love keeping you all in suspense lol

Not dan or peter
just remembered that blonde kid the one whos brother is a cop and goes out with martha, well the blonde one that goes out with that young lass mmm cant remeber her name, i really am crap lol, anyway they split up and he goes a bit nuts too and ends up smacking his dad :shock:
Manda said:
do ya really wanna know?
i love keeping you all in suspense lol

Not dan or peter

Didnt think it could be something my cutey-pie peter could do lol
it all gets a bit exciting with peter as he's arrested and suspected of helping out the stalker, cant remeber her name suprise suprise lol but you know who i mean she held sal hostage back last year well probably this year as i saw it in Oz l;ol.
ok it's kims dad - but this isn't found out until nearly everyone in the bay has been accused :) amanda has affair with josh too before he dies, project 57 doesn't go ahead.

Does anyone watch neighbours?
neighbours is pretty juicy too, haven't watched since i been back so not sure how far you're upto
I was wondering how you know all this manda then i realised your from South Australia so your ahead of us in all the soaps action. I had a 'slight' blonde moment. I remember years ago my mum obsessing over sons and daughters, but thats not on anymore lol. Sorry randomly started talking about stuff lol... ill shut up now :oops:
ooo what an exciting topic I love home and away. Iv not seen it for a while tough apart from flinn dying. Sounds like tis going to get really exciting so Ill make sure I dont miss any!

I watch neighbours too but its not been that exciting recently, prefer home and away!

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