Holy poobags!!! I think my waters have broken!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Just got up for my customary first wee of the night (2.30am) and as I got back into bed felt a gush, like when you have a heavy period and you flood your pad. Waddled back to the toilet and there was lots of fluid, definitely watery and NOT stringy or mucousy, and a couple of very very small red clots.

Popped a clean pair of knickers and a new panty liner on and then have just been to the loo again and gushed everywhere!!! Cue more fresh knickers and this time an industrial strength maxi pad!!!

It all seems completely clear (no pink or yellow/green) so am going to hang out until 8am and ring midwife clinic then. No pains yet but do have backache - but then again - what's new??!!

Am in total shock. ALL BABIES IN MY FAMILY ARE LATE!!! I'M ONLY 39 WEEKS TODAY!! This is crazy it may end up as March not an April baby. And I have a really busy weekend planned!!!! I am just sitting here thinking of all the things I should have done/organised by now that I haven't. Bugger bugger bugger!!!

OH is aware that my waters have gone but have left him in bed snoring away - figured it might be the last lot of uninterrupted sleep he gets for a few years!! I should go back to bed but I'm too stunned and excited!!! lol

In reality I'll probably be in labour for ages now and wish I'd gone back to sleep...
Fingers crossed its a quick one for you, good luck!!
Ps send some of that labour dust my way please :)
OMG!! Just realised we also haven't decided on names!!! Bloody hell!!!
Ooooh helly!! Another queue jumper!!

Lol. How exciting! This could be it for you Hun.

Is it coming out when you lay down? They say that's when you know for definite it is your waters.

I've been having pains overnight too. Not getting my hopes up though!
It's leaking slightly as I lie down but as soon as I stand up it gushes everywhere!! Just finished giving the bathroom floor a quick wipe!! Cannot believe this is happening...

I also keep feeling like I need a poo (TMI - sorry!!) but think this is more to do with the fact I went to the pub and had a huge meal + pudding last night, so probably do just need a poo and it isn't baby's head or anything!!! ha ha!!
Well that sounds very promising!!

Give them a call hun, I think you are supposed to report when your waters have gone? And if you are mopping up the floor I think it's safe to say they have!!

Eeeeek exciting.
Will they be there now?? Lol, just realised how stupid that sounds!!! Of course they'll be there Helen, they don't kick everyone out of the labour ward at night!! I suppose I should ring to check. Imagine they'll tell me to stay til the morning though seeing as I'm not contracting??
They probably won't tell you to come in yet but they'll say if nothing has happened by x then come in and we'll start you off. You are on the radar then :)

You could wait until the morning I guess but I think I'd be ringing now if it were me.

Ooooh how exciting!!

I hope my pains materialise into something too, we could have our LOs on the same day :yay:
How exciting! Id give them a quick call so they know to expect you at some point very soon. Btw my dd arrived 4 hours after waking up to my waters breaking also no pain only back ache until the last hour and Kynon arrived 1.5 hours after waters breaking with no pain until last 20 mins so just be aware labour can creep up on you!
Good luck x

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They have asked me to go in with all my bags to get checked, even though I'm not contracting, and will probably send me home but call me back for an induction after 24 hours. Eeeek!!! Fingers crossed it's a quick one!! My OH (cheeky bugger!!) is moaning about having to get out of bed!!! lol
Exciting helly!! I can't wait to hear about it all.

Are you not having any pains at all?
Oh my god helly. I actually manage to sleep in past 4am for once and you go and do this my lovely twin!!

I think I'm actually jealous cos I feel im in for the long haul!!! But I guess since you were engaged as much as me who knows!!

Eeeeeh it's all going on this morn x who's your bump buddy? Xxx
Don't forget to breathe :) fx this is it xx
Good luck honey!! Maybe we will all have our babies today :) xxx
:yay: Go Helly!!!!!!!!! Good luck hun and not meaning to sound harsh but hope the pains start soon for you lol. Oooooo so excited :D xxxxxxxxxx
How bloody exciting! Best of luck helly! I remember starting in tri 1 with u, the end is in sight for us all wooooooop xxx
An exciting day!! Good luck, helly! Hope it goes quickly for you! X

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