Holidays abroad - what routines do you have?

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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We are taking James to Portugal in September which i am soooooo excited about!

But Im also a little unsure about what exactly we will do whilst we are there! Obviously this is the first baby-holiday we will have had so Im used to going away, sunbathing all day, going out, getting drunk, crawling back to the hotel at the wee small hours and then sleeping off my hangover next to the pool etc etc.

I know that James is far too small to be exposed to the sun all day but when is the best time to take him to the pool? In the morning before the midday sun attacks, or later on in the day, and what do we do with the rest of the day??

Any recommendations or ideas of what routines you followed whilst on hols with littleuns would be appreciated...
we took hannah when she was 13 months and we tended to go for a walk in the morning after breakfast then after lunch when it wasnt so hot we would go in the pool or on the beach for a couple of hours and then go for tea, another walk or for a drink and then put hannah in bed while we sat on the balcony, we tried to still have her in bed for about 8pm
We went with LO at 5.5 months....much like Mary it was a case of breakfast/walk, lunch, nap, walk, play in the pool late afternoon or on the beach etc, then change, walk, dinner, walk etc.....certinally not the sunbathing, drinking holidays were used to!! Lots of walking!!!!!! We also tried to keep LO to his normal bedtime and then spent the evening in the apartment with a bottle of wine, watched some TV (all the shows from back home so didn't miss dancing on ice!!) and generally just chilled out. Following day we'd repeat all over again.

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