How do you make your routines work? Every day is different!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I am so frustrated and yet I am trying to be quite relaxed about it all. How do you put a routine in place when every day is different? For instance. My baby was tired before the bedtime I usually give him. Do I keep him up? Tomorrow he may be wide awake?

I have been trying to feed every 3 hours but today he was asleep (unusually) so I didn't wake him and that messed up my feeding times for when he goes to bed. Therefore I had to feed him then put him to bed instead of what I have been doing which is bed then dream feeding him later.

It drives me crazy. How do you make your routines work?

Thanks. x
I feed on demand so my routine is all to pot! The only thing I do the same everyday is bath at 6. Bed is roughly 8 but it depends on how sleepy she is. It frustrates me as well, I live by routine, order and planning and my baby doesn't fit in with that!! Argh!!

Sorry I can't help but you are not alone xxx
i have the same problem! my lo is 4months tomorrow and doesnt have a routine yet! i always bath him at 7ish and try to get him down by 8. sometimes it works, other times it doesnt!! i bottle feed on demand during the day, this can be anything for 4-6oz, and it can be 3-5hours between feeds. his nights are all over the place, the other night he actually slept from 12-7am, but is usually up twice for a dreamy feed. ive given up trying to get a routine, im hoping as he gets older it will fall into place!!!! another time naps.... i try to enforce one mid morning and mid afternoon but if marley doesnt want to sleep...marley wont sleep!!! dont worry too much about it!! ive given up worrying!!
i feed on demand but as i have had my rutine and stuck to it no matter what he have made his own rutine up day time.
this is ruffly our day
whenever he wakes up, normally 6 i feed him and he goes back in to basket where he looks at his mobile for about 30 min before he goes back to sleep until about 10ish.
feed - play - nap around 12 o´clock for 30 min - feed- nap for 3-4 hours til about 5ish (normally we are out walking) . then he feeds about once every hour until 8.30 when he gors to bed without any trouble, he normally have a little nap 20-30 min before bed time.

Unless you stick to your rutine, i think your baby will have diferent times everyday.
Noa does what he wants during the day, but he have set his own rutines
Charley's set his own daytime routine which is roughly the same everyday. No matter what though I start his bedtime routine at 7 and he's asleep by 7.30!
Charley's set his own daytime routine which is roughly the same everyday. No matter what though I start his bedtime routine at 7 and he's asleep by 7.30!

arghhh lol i want a daytime routine!!!!! :(
Yeah I think they kinda set their own routine as they get older. Drake feeds every 3 hours. He wakes at 6am, normally sleeps till about 8.30am. I feed him round 9 then. I then dress him and have play time. He normally gets tired about 1.30hrs after his feeds and he either has a 30-45 min nap or longer depending on how much he had previously. He's a stickler for routine and if I think his last feed of the day is heading towards the 10pm mark (it's normally at 9pm) then I try and feed him 10-15 mins earlier each feed throughout the day.

It should all fall into place soon enough Hun. Xx
Tegan has no routine at all and it drives me crazy she won't nap for more than 30 mins, But night time is bath 7.30pm asleep by 8.30pm and she sleeps till between 7 and 8 am! i shouldn't complain really xx
Matt wakes up around 7am, then after and hour an a half he always has a 30 min nap like clockwork! Then another slightly longer nap in the afternoon around 1pm and then bed at 7pm! You could set your watch by my lil dude! x
Zoe how do you get Tegan to sleep so long!!
I love your ticker :rofl:

We had no real routine at all for the first few months with Sam...I fed on demand and he went to bed when he was tired. After the first few months he did start getting into more of a routine by himself though, sleeping at the same times during the day and going to bed sometime between 8 and 9 and it got better from there. With Toby he had to fit in with Sam's meal times etc. so I did tend to feed him at similar times each day but it didn't make much of a difference with bedtime at first, but having bath time and a feed straight after at the same time every day did seem to help a bit as he was usually in bed not long after Sam x
Ella's day is as follows-

7-8am wake up, get dressed, bottle
11.30am bottle
3.30pm bottle
7.30pm bottle-bath-bottle
8.15pm bed

It's the same every day and has been since she was about 9 weeks old. She takes between 8-9oz every feed whether it is pure milk or partly mixed with baby rice. She also naps for around an hour between each feed.

We are very lucky as we have decided on a plan for the day which suits us and she has slotted in with that- I know it's rare they'll do that.
Babies are hard work. Thanks for sharing that everyone!!!

I'm not pregnant by the way (as my pink box says). Not unless I am Mary!.
I have no control over my baby no matter how hard I try lol so will be keeping an eye on this thread!

Donovan gets up between 8 and 9am.
Has breakfast and then naps usually between 10.30 til around 12 where he has a bottle.
He then plays naps has bottle at 3ish, plays naps has bottle at 6ish, he then naps til about 9pm.
We then give him his last bottle before bed and aim to try and put him down between 10pm-11pm where he self settles himself to sleep and is normally asleep by 12.
He then wakes at 4am for a feed, back in his basket til 7ish when he wakes then comes in with me til about 8am then we get up.

Ive tried routines and live for the day he sleeps through but cant see it happening til he is weaned to be honest, ive given up for the moment and pretty much feed on demand, let him sleep on demand and play on demand :-S
Layla set her own routine too,

wake up at 8.30am, bottle at 9am, 1pm, 5 pm, 9pm n then midnight and sleeps until 8am again, shes done this since she was 3weeks, n now shes 9 :)

I have never tried to make a routine.. she has her own one that works for her, and i work with that.

At the moment she wakes up 5:30-6am (Which sounds early, but in the middle east everyone leaves for work at 6:30 and is home for 4!) will feed every 4 hours (on demand). Naps between most of them except mid afternoon which is when we take her to the pool. Then is awake between feeds for most of the evening, and i put her to bed about 10:30, 11pm.
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