Holiday when baby is only one???


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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We have been invited to our friends wedding in September and I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced a holiday to a hot place with a one year old? How did you find they coped with the flight? Thanks :D
Is it a long flight?

We went to spain last year for Gabs 1st birthday (only 2 hr flight though) and she was an angel and slept the whole way.

She loved the sun and sea too. :D

I love your new avatar pic, cute :D
we have just come back from spian and C is 16months..he coped well with the flight but i did think he was a bit young to be abroad..being out of his routine upset him and for the first 2 days he was in a right mood and did nothing but cry/moan. we met aload of other mums/dads with baies around 1 year in the hotel and they too had had the same problem with the lack of routine and very poor sleep at night as he was in a new/strange place.

so although he enjoyed it , i still think going so far away from home at 1 is a bit young. but then every baby is different but just 4t id tell u what i and a few other parents experienced last week . :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
we went when Hannah was 13 months to spain and she loved it, the flight was an ordeal and she hated it and it did spoil the holiday a bit for me because i was dreading the return all week but she slept all the way home
Sorry forgot to say, the wedding is in Cyprus so flight wouldnt be too long. My worry is upsetting her routine and the amount of stuff we would have to take for her :shock:
Thanks for replies girls :hug:
We're going to spain in 4 weeks so kyran will only be 5 months. Im not worried im sure he'll be fine. lol but i'll let you know after the holiday!!
i'll let you know in a week we are taking our 15month abroad for the first time to tuscany on monday, i am nervous too and have packed ridiculous amounts of stuff!!

i think it must be easier though after they are 1 as you don't have to worry so much about sterilizing and they eat a variety of foods by that time, should be on cows milk possibly also.
I married in Cyprus when my daughter was 11 months. Didn't have any problems at all other than she developed tonsilitis while we were there. Supplies aren't a problem either. Cyprus is great for little ones. Go. And enjoy it. You'll have a great time :D
You'll have a fab time :) My DD has been to Florida at 9 months, 23 months and 27 months and DS at 9 months and 13 months, we're talking a 9 hour flight!

Your LO will have a fab time and make sure you take plenty of pics of their first holiday, lots of memories to treasure :)
Thank you for all the replies girls but we have decided against it. We are going to save up to take Maddison to Florida next year instead :D
Snuggle said:
Thank you for all the replies girls but we have decided against it. We are going to save up to take Maddison to Florida next year instead :D

:cheer: My favourite place in the world :cheer: Have you been before?
Kina said:
Snuggle said:
Thank you for all the replies girls but we have decided against it. We are going to save up to take Maddison to Florida next year instead :D

:cheer: My favourite place in the world :cheer: Have you been before?

No but have always wanted to go and I think Maddison would absolutely love it :D
Oooh she will! There is loads for little ones to do over there :) We're hoping to go back in December, I like it then because it's not too hot and you've got all the Christmas decorations up and Mickeys Very Merry Christmas party which is cheesy but fun :cheer:

My past two hols have been paid for in Tesco clubcard vouchers! Hopefully December will too :cheer:

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