holding toys / finding hands


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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just wondered when ur baby first realised their hands belonged to them and started to hold toys?
madison is always playing with her hands buts shes still getting the hang of holding things. she wont pick stuff up her self though
Same with Leorah we can help her get hold of toys and she'll hold them but can't grab them just swipe at them. She is getting much more interactive with her toys now and finds them entertaining.
id say he was about 2 months old when he found his hands he pickc his toys uo if you hold them out to him and hes took to throwing them now and wanting you to get it back for him so we do it 3 times and thats it then let him have it back after 5 minutes i know so many kids that get into the habbit of doing that and their mums are always getting things for them ... im so mean but he rarely throws it again after hes had it took off him
not quite sure when but it must have been around the 2 and half to 3 month period. It's good if you have a light weight rattle, practise putting it in their hand and before you know it their holding it and then taking it from you!!!
She has always played with her hands. Thea will take things from you but rarely reaches to pick them up her self. She does reach for the things on her baby gym though.
alastair loves having things to ply with, i think it was the 2 month mark he found his hands and feet
Jakob will grasps things he puts his hands on and he loves eating his hands too!

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