Hmmmm express or formula???


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Ok, so Jonah is six months and has exclusively been breastfed, but now I'm getting my life back a bit, I seem to be nipping for the odd night out/getting hair done so I'm leaving Jonah that bit more. Now, to have enough expressed milk to leave for Jonah it takes me a good week to build up say two feeds, and it really is such a pain!! I hate expressing! Plus with him weaning now, I'm expressing to add to his food, I just feel like anytime through the day if have to myself it's like oh well best express and it's washing everything, sterilising, then expressing for what feels like ten hours to get one ounce! So what I'm really asking is,,, would it be so tragic for him to have formula when I go out?? Or formula mixed in with his food? I still want to breast feed its just the expressing that I'm desperate to ditch, but I don't want to do anything to possibly induce allergy or be somehow not good for him in any way, what are everyone's thoughts??
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Hey Hun,

I think it's a personal decision but I personally would express if I was popping out.

Although now LO is six months he can have whole milk in his food instead if expressed milk unless he has dietary requirements? Xx

Hi hun, i think they can have cows their cereal.etc if its not replacing feeds. I would personally express when going out to keep supply going but maybe have a carton just in case? X

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I'm rubbish at expressing!! I managed to get 2oz earlier. I'm starting to try and get B used to a bottle because I'd like to leave her for more than an hour, spend time with the older two and hopefully get a night out with OH. This evening for the first time she took a bottle and I mixed breast milk with a few oz of formula. Yes I feel terribly guilty giving her formula for what I feel are selfish reasons maybe but I really struggle expressing. She's 5 &1/2 months and I don't want to start solids just yet. Xxx
I don't see any harm in giving lo formula (for when you want to go out) if the rest of his feeds are BM.

I give my lo formula if I have been out and had a few too many and she has no problems with it. I still bf her with just the night time bottle being formula.
I didn't have the patience to express as I found it mundane and when I had my time I didn't want to spend it pumping!

It's what works for you but don't feel guilty about giving lo formula if you want to. x

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