

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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I feel really bad posting this but I am a little ickle bit peeved and I need to vent...

One of my friends who is due a few weeks before me has just announced her baby boy's name.. she is naming it River...

Is it me or is that too close to Riven which is the name that our baby was always going to be if it was a boy which we are being blessed with?? maybe I am being a little over sensitive about it, she hasn't actually called it Riven....

Harrumph, I just feel a little put out is all, maybe she has had that name picked for ages :)

I am still not changing my boys name though for love nor money he will always be Riven...

Do you think people will think we have copied her just changed a letter in the name..

Sorry to vent again :(
Hmmm, I would be pissed if I'm honest, it's like one letter different.
This is why my baby names will remain secret.
If its any consolation, your name is nicer ;) x
Thing is we have had the same name picked for the last 2 years of TTC, and whilst trying everyone knew we were and we let the name slip so people have always referred to 'pending' baby as Riven :)

I'll get used to it and people will just have to deal with it, everyone will have their own opinions I will just have to live with them now is all....
No, i totally see your point. They are very similar (although personally i think Riven is much nicer).

I'd be annoyed if one of my friends did something like this, but what can you do? If you were due first then it wouldn't really be an issue as she'd look like the one who's copied. But given that she's due before you and this has always been your name, i think your pretty justified to be fed up.

We're going with Jack which is common as muck these days, but it's always always been my baby boy name so there was no way i was changing it and i still wouldn't, even if one of my friends nicked it first! xx
Even though she is due first you said ppl gave known yours would be riven for 2 years? I think Tbh ppl might not even mention it!
I'd feel peeved as well. Does she know that yours is Riven?

You're right though, she might have had it picked for ages.

Don't worry, I'd just say if people asked, that you had it for ages. Plus, you will have lots of unmutual friends I assume that wouldn't even know.

I prefer Riven too ;)

Sorry just read your next post. Agree, people will already know about your name
My OH's best friend just announced on FB that their boy's name is our boy's name! We haven't told anyone though. Luckily I'm overdue, and she's not due 'til September. It is mega frustrating though.

It doesn't matter what people think hunny, your son's name is entirely up to you xxxxxxx

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