

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Just read my scan notes and it says that I have an anterior placenta, which explains alot regarding the kicks/movements feeling 'far away' lol

Does anyone have any experience of this? I wouldn't have thought it would cause a problem but I just googled (stupid I know) and first thing I see is that it can mean higher risk of bleeding... didn't read any more though was too scared lol
I have this too, they said at the scan that they would re book me for another scan at 34 weeks to make sure it has moved, if it doesn;t move it coul dmake having a natural birth harder which means it will be a C Section.

They did also say that feeling movement would be harder and 'further' away :)

Did they re book you???

No, they didn't even mention that it was anterior. With my son I did ask where the placenta was, but totally didn't even think about it today, bit annoyed with myself and now annoyed at them.

Will be seeing midwife at 22 weeks so will mention it to her.

God I hope it moves, I relaly don't want another section if it can be helped!
I have an anterior placenta, but mine is low lying. An anterior placenta in itself isn't an issue it just means it's at the front of your tummy which is why it takes longer to feel kicks/movements. I was around 22/23 weeks before I could properly feel pip

If your placenta is low lying (ie over your cervix) that is when you may need a csection if it hasn't moved. Most hospitals re scan you between 32 and 34 weeks to see if it's moved.

If it hasn't been mentioned to you after 20 week scan then I would guess it isn't low lying so not a problem

Hope this helps xx
I had anterior placenta with my daughter but it wasn't low lying so they never mentioned it to me as it isn't an issue!

I didn't have an bleeding problems at all! The only bad thing was it made it difficult for DH to feel movement really!
Its just a position. Mine was anterior and low lying but moved up. It very rarely doesnt.
I didnt feel the movements less though, felt flutters from 14 weeks and kicks from 18
I had an anterior placenta and didn'thave to have c section. Its only if it's low lying that you'd need an extra scan and maybe a c section. For me it meant that I didn't feel any kicks until 22 weeks and they were mostly at the sides of my tummy rather than the front.
i had an anterior placenta with my LO and it just meant i didn't feel her move until after 24 weeks.
My labour was absolutely perfect and all that went on was she was back to back but there was no extra bleeding or anything.
The internet always shows you the worst so try not to worry.

maybe ask your MW if there is anything to truly be concerned about in your case?
I have an anterior placenta, mainly feel baby on the sides of my tummy. But i do feel kicks also that are distant, like i wouldn't be able to feel them if i put my hand to my tummy.
I also had an anterior placenta as the others have said as long as its not low lying it doesn't stop a natural birth. i didn't feet movements till late on & they weren't ever that strong. only 'problem' it made Tegan back to back but even that didn't cause a bad labour xx
i have anterior this time too, which explains why movement was felt a bit later on than last time!! but mine is positioned high so no extra risk unless its lying low in that case they will see you later on in ur preganancy to asses if you need a c-section!! if there is anything to worry bout im sure they will tell you :) xx
Thank you for all your replies, feel alot better about it now. They didn't mention it at all, and my notes only say anterior so I guess that means defo not low lying. Huge relief, I know if I have to have a section so be it, but would rather do it natural all the way this time.

My placenta with Oz was posterior and he still came down back to back... erm... ouch lol I was warned that boys like to turn the awkward way though and he didn't fail lol
Maybe mine is low lying as well then which is why she mentioned the C Section, sorry to panic you Maria :)

Maybe mine is low lying as well then which is why she mentioned the C Section, sorry to panic you Maria :)


Don't worry hun, it's fine. Seeing midwife next week so will talk to her about it also.


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