Hiya you lot


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
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Sorry I've been away so long. It was a hard couple of months and I hadn't really felt like being reminded of it all by being on a forum that says 'PREGNANCY' at the top... plus we were on holiday last week so sorry I've not been around much.

Honestly I am really praying I'm not pregnant this month. Odd as it sounds but having had 2 consecutive miscarriages I kind of want to give my system a break. However... My AF is now 1 day late (I thought I was due on last Monday so have been worrying all week that I was pg but I'm due yesterday). I have been feeling tired, dizzy, my abdomen feels like AF is due any second (and has been all week) and I've been a bit emotional.

I kind of secretly hope I am pg but on the other hand I couldn't bare it to end in tears. 3 m/c in 3 months is more than a person can take.

So anyway, please can we have some vibes either way this month? And I promise I'll join in more now I'm home :)

:hug: i know what you mean about the preganancy forum- i feel like a fraud! :lol: can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling after the 2 mc's, it must be extremely tough :hug: i've been ttc since june -going 102 days at first without an af- why is nothing ever easy! although it can make it harder at times on here seeing all the bfp's it can also be a great comfort as many of us are in the same position. it can make things a bit more bareable when you can get them off your chest!
hope things turn out the way you hope and that you get a sticky soon :pray:
Thanks puds!

We've been ttc since May... and the 2 m/cs are just about behind us now. I didn't realise I needed a break until I had one and it's really helped us both move on I think.

Who am i kidding? I'm desperate for another BFP right now and we have decided to test in the morning. I thought I was a week late (as I say) but am only a day late which is kind of annoying as if I was a week late then I would already be further along than I have ever been but ho hum.

It's certainly heartening to read other people's stories but for a while, what with 2 m/c and a close friend having her 4th baby, I just couldn't hack coming back here and seeing all the BFPs! Selfish and immature I know but I was grieving I suppose...

Anyway. I'm back now and raring to go!!!
hey :wave:

i kno what u mean i found it hard coming on here after my mc, and much as i would like to be pregnant again i couldnt bear to have another mc. i cant even imagine how hard it must be for you, having had 2 :hug:

3rd time lucky hey, iv seen some people say "new sperm, new egg" which i will keep telling myself next time i am pg.

good luck :hug:
yup. new sperm new egg. and i'm hoping the problem was with the combination of the two and not with my uterus!!!
Nice to see you again trixi!
puds said:
Selfish and immature I know but I was grieving I suppose...
i would say just human!!! think we all get bfp envy some of the time :evil: (ok most of the time!! :lol: )
well it's the 'sticky' bit that makes me jealous lol.

I know when it does happen for the 3rd (and hopefully final) time I will ruin it by worrying. And I naively went into ttc thinking once you catch that's it and feeling cheated that when you found out you were pregnant you were already a month gone! Now I would like to wake up 4 months pregnant and not have any of the worrying lol
good luck - sending you lots of sticky babydust. xx
All the luck in world girls!!

Good job we are all here to loookafter each other!

:hug: :hug:
Well AF arrived this morning lol

Typical. I had decided last night I would test in the morning. Saves me a test I suppose!

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