Hiya! New here...


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May 8, 2006
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My name is Elizebeth and I live in Savannah, Georgia. My husband and I had been trying for three years to concieve our first child, and we finally achieved that goal six weeks ago. We're ecstatic and just can't wait to meet the new member of our family!

I'm a senior at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I'm studying metals and jewelry. I'm nearly done, but will be finishing up my senior project while I'm 8 months pregnant. :shock: For extra cash and fun, I'm also a henna artist. You can view my website to see some of the henna designs I've done. My husband is a computer programmer/analyst who works from home, and I have a jewelry studio here at home where I create my pieces, so we're very excited about being able to both be "stay at home" parents.

A little more about me: I'm a classical music geek, pet owner and lover, and my two favorite hobbies are eating and napping.

Nice to meet you!
hello elizabethjoy! I was just looking at tyour website! I got a shock seeing your tattoo on your tummy then i read it was henna! :lol:
Hi sweetie, welcome when is your due date???
Jaidybaby, my due date is December 31st. New Year's baby!

Budge, that's not me, but a 8.5 months pregnant lady who asked me to henna her tummy! I'm only at 6 weeks, and not showing yet.

Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcomes!
Hello and a huge Welcome to the forum :lol:

Congratulations on your pregnancy :dance:
hi and welcome to the forum and congrats on your pregancy just looked at your website it looks amazing

Congratulations on your pregnancy.........and welcome to the forum!!!!!!!!!

Amy xx

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