Hiya! hope you don't mind another newbie.....

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hello everyone! :wave:

This site came highly recommended from my sister as the friendliest, most supportive forum i'll find, she said you're all a really lovely, caring bunch so i hope it's ok if i join you :D

I'm Sarah :wave: i'm 21, from kent, and oh is Rob, we have a daughter called Lily who is 16 months, and we've just decided to ttc number 2 :cheer: yay!

It took me ages to pluck up the courage to post lol, silly really, i can see just from reading through a few of the posts that you're all really nice, so if it's ok, i'm really looking forward to getting to know and make friends with everyone :D

Everyone take care!

xx sarah xx
Hello Sarah :wave:

A huge welcome to the forum :lol:

Good luck TTC :D
hello sarah from sarah welcome to the forum

:wave: :wave:
whos ya sis spill the beans :dance:
hiya sarah
welcome 2 the forum :)
congrats on your daughter and good luk TTC
talk soon
bekki xxx
Hiya sarah :wave:

Im fairly new to the forum too so we can be newbies together :)

Everyone has been really welcoming to me so im sure you'll have no problem settling in. Good luck with ttc! heres a sprinkling of extra fertile babydust *x*x*x*

Love ali xxx
awwww thanks everyone! i feel at home already :D and it's nice not to be the only new person lol.

thanks for the warm welcome and the babydust. I finished my last packet of the pill yesterday so just waiting for af now (groan!)

i don't know what to say except thankyou lol :hug:

:D xx sarah xx
Hi hun welcome to the forum :wave: ,where abouts are you in kent? I am from canterbury,good luck ttc :D xx
:wave: hi hun and welcome good luck ttc baby 2 :D im sure you will find everyone really friendly and welcoming xxxxxxxxx
hi there and welcome all the best ttcing no 2. :pray:
Hiya, morning everyone :wave:

Thank you again for making me so welcome, and for all the ttc good luck wishes, fingers crossed for everyone! :D

nikki, i'm in medway, not that far really lol

xx sarah xx :D :D
Hiya Sarah,
We are a very friendly bunch :D and its lovely to have someone else
Hello Sarah :wave:

Welcome to the forum!

Wishing you the best of luck with ttc & I hope you get your BFP very soon! xx
and welcome to you. :cheer:

The best of luck TTC, I hope it happens soon for you.


P.S I was scared the first time I posted :doh: Once I started I couldn't stop (my apology's to everyone!!! :lol: )
xx sarah xx said:
Hiya, morning everyone :wave:

Thank you again for making me so welcome, and for all the ttc good luck wishes, fingers crossed for everyone! :D

nikki, i'm in medway, not that far really lol

xx sarah xx :D :D

That's not far hun,i used to live in Faversham,no doubt you will meet hev on here,she is from folkestone :dance: xx
Hiya Sarah

Welcome to the forum!

Get yourself onto the TTC strand for loads of tips and advice (even tho you have been successful before!)

Alice x
Hey Sarah

I still get nervous when I post lol

Welcome to the forum and best of luck ttc!

Speak soon

Lou & Isaac :)
Welcome Sarah !!

Your sisters right! its great on here

Hope to see more of you

Good luck with everything and keep us all posted with your latest developments


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