Hiya Everyone


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hiya ladies :D

Im new here hope theres room for another one!

Now I know Im pregnant, Im not really sure what the next step is?

Do I just go to the doctors and they sort me out with a scan date and things?

Also...I havent got a clue how far gone I am, my ticker is just a rough guess, how will it be worked out?

Sorry Im completely clueless

Thanks x
Hiya hun, to work out how far along you are, do you know the first day of last period? If you phone or go see GP and tell them you're pregnant they will get you booked in to see MW at about 8 weeks-ish.
Welcome to 1st tri :hug:
welcome hun i'm new to this section too. hope you have a great PG xx
Hello Hun
Congratulations on your pregnancy and Welcome!
You will be best going to your GP and there you will be advised to see a midwife. If you are really unsure of how far along you are, you might be sent for an early scan to determine how far you are into your pregnancy.
I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
Thanks for the advice everyone :)

I am goin to make an appointment with my GP tommorow so hopefully will get me on the first step!

Sure you'll be seeing plenty of me worrying about one thing or another :lol:

Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies :hug:
You certainly wont be alone in the worrying hun, we are all a big bunch of worriers in here :lol:
Congrats and welcome :wave: :wave:

Good luck with the docs, they just usually check blood pressure and try and confirm your dates then they send a refurral (cant spell sorry lol) so you get a midwife appt at about 10 wks and a scan at 12 wks...

Well thats what happens here anyway...have you got any idea on your dates?

:wave: :hug: :hug:

tigger xx
Hi Barbie - Hi Ken :lol:
Welcome aboard - u are only 3 days in front of me if ur dates are rite - i was the same as u , knew nothing , but have a read about the forum, with the help of all the lovely experienced ladies, you will learn plenty in no time -
I've already had my appointment with the midwife and met her last week, and i have my 12wk scan on 17th Dec - it was actually meant to fall on xmas eve but the surgery isn't opened (luckily for me) i got to go a week earlier :clap: ......
So welcome again ! !
Lou x

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