history of preeclampsia resulting in c section


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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I was induced 12 months ago with my first baby due to preeclampsia and PGP. The induction worked but then baby became distressed due to facial presentation and the cord around his neck (39+2). This time I am hoping for a VBAC but I'm worried about the complication of preeclampsia in previous pregnancy (am I right in assuming that I can't be induced because of previous section?) I'm also having difficulty choosing what hospital to go to. Previous hospital was qmc Nottingham, but I have another option of city hospital Nottingham. City hospital has an on site hospital hotel, I was thinking that this might be useful if I have to keep coming and going with blood pressure issues. I was kept in for a couple nights for blood pressure monitoring last time, and with a current baby and a disabled husband, it would be easier if they were able to stay on site with me.... does anyone know if this would be feasible in the hospital hotel? Has anyone had previous experience with either a hospital hotel or VBAC after preeclampsia?
You definitely can be offered an induction after having a previous C-section for pre-eclampsia. I wanted a VBAC with my second after having an emergency C-section (following failed induction) for pre-eclampsia with my first. But I developed GD, so was given the choice of induction or C-section.

Were you diagnosed around 37 weeks or later? Because the risk of developing pre-eclampsia with a second pregnancy decreases according to when you developed it before, e.g. those who get it in the second trimester are far more likely to develop it again in a subsequent pregnancy than those who got it when the baby was term. My pre-eclampsia started around 28 weeks, but didn't become dangerous until 36 weeks. I had bp issues with my second after delivery. It never got to pre-eclampsia, thank goodness, but I was readmitted when my son was a few days old.

I'm afraid I have no idea about the hospital hotel. Hopefully someone else will know xx
Being induced after a previous section seems to vary from hospital to hospital in my experience. My hospital have told me that they do not offer the pessary to ladies being induced after a c-section due to the risk of rupturing the scar. Instead they only offer to break your waters and put you on the hormone drip. This is what happened when my first and I had too strong contractions on the hormone drip, so I am choosing an elective section this time. However I've seen other ladies post on here that they've been offered the pessary to induce them after a previous section.

I was induced with my first after my BP shot up at 41 weeks. Because of this I've had to take aspirin through this pregnancy. But other than that they've not been too concerned. I was told it could happen again in this pregnancy but then it might not. My BP has been on the increase though at my last few checks so I have a feeling its will happen again.

As for onsite hotel, I've got no experience I'm afraid.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Hopefully all is not lost with regards to an induction delivery then if they need me to start before I'm ready.

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