High Sugar Level in Urine


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Just back from midwife visit and I've been told my sugar levels are ++++.

The midwife says I've got too much sugar in my urine and now I've to get my blood sugar checked every week and I've not to have any sugar at all -not even fruit juice!!!!!

I did the worse thing possible and looked up the internet and now I'm terrified!

Has anyone else had this that they can maybe put my mind at rest? I'm 32 weeks.
I had this when I was tested last week. It's a sign of gestational diabetes so they did a tolerance test on me a few days later. Luckily I was clear so I don't know why I had sugar in it before.

Make sure you or they keep an eye on it though as it means you could have a baby bigger than expected dates! Even if you did have pregnancy diabetes it wouldn't be the end of the world, is quite common and most of the time it goes once you've had your baby. I'll try and find the thread I posted, as there are some useful points on there from other moms on here who have had it before.

michelle x
Glucose in urine is not necessarily a sign of GD. Many pregnant women have sugar off loaded into their urine from time to time, especially after eating a lot of high sugar food - fruit juice is a typical trigger so is a chocolate bar. Pregnancy does however predispose you to a form of diabetes though because pregnancy hormones CAN cause a blocking effect on the insulin receptors. Your body continues to produce insulin but somehow the pregnancy hormones block their uptake. Around 30 weeks of pregnancy this CAN begin to happen so you are at the right gestational age for this. ++++ and above is also a lot of glucose and you will need to be monitored which is happening. Glucosurea is NOT enough to diagnose you though and you will have to see the results of the other tests. Ask for a GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) This will determine your ability to clear glucose from your system over a measured period of time. Then see. It is a condition that can thankfully be controlled so don't worry too much - just knock the sugar on the head!
Thanks Peachy that's made me feel a whole lot better and now makes more sense.

I've be practically living on Fruit Juice and Fruit Smoothies - my craving, so maybe thats why my level is high. Will not be drinking anymore from now on.
Best of luck with the tests. Hope all is well in the end. :D

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