High BP AGAIN- Another 3hrs at the Hospital...


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Since my visit to the Hosp on Fri, the midwives decided it was best to come do some home visits every other day to check my BP was ok.

One came Sat and it was 130/80 (which she said was fine), then they came today and it was 130/100 and then 130/90, plus I tested positive for protein in my urine. So she told me to go up the hospital to have my bloods done again; I feel like a pin cushion! Only had them done on Fri!

Whats weird is, everytime I go to the hosp to have my BP read, it drops back down. They tested it 6 times at the hosp and it was 120/70, then just kept coming down until it was 105/67. I find that really strange, my Mam suffers from high bp, every since she had me, and she suffers from white coat syndrome; whenever she goes to see a professional to have her BP read, it rockets- mine does the opposite; how weird. And its not if it could have been a faulty machine; they took all the readings manually.

So now I have to go back Wed for more BP readings, and they've now reffered me to a consultant for an app thurs. Previosuly I've been under a group of midwives called the "mum team", but i think I will be under this consultant now.

I'm wondering why I've been put under the consultant (the midwife just said because my BP has been up 3 times in the last week), and what this will mean for me? Do you think if it stays up they'll induce me? I'm 37 weeks now, and the midwife said today that the baby is "well down" position wise. I'm wondering whether he's coming early!

Man this is all so confusing. I've been suffering with swollen fingers, and headaches almost every day too- suppose thats got them a bit concerned. I must admit, all the midwives have been so lovely!
Babes i'm the same, high BP swelling etc, but i have large baby so they're not so worried about PE. they still won't say whether they will start me early...like u i am admitted practically every time, then it goes down. I have consultant appt on weds, so i'll let u know how it goes. Keep me posted too hun, PM me whenever, its quite nice to hear i'm not alone with this BP poop :hug:
AnnaR2B said:
Babes i'm the same, high BP swelling etc, but i have large baby so they're not so worried about PE. they still won't say whether they will start me early...like u i am admitted practically every time, then it goes down. I have consultant appt on weds, so i'll let u know how it goes. Keep me posted too hun, PM me whenever, its quite nice to hear i'm not alone with this BP poop :hug:

It all just seems so confusing! I think I'm quite small, all the midwives have said I'm very "neat and tidy", but I'm still convinced they have my due date wrong, and I'll go earlier.

Hope your consultant app goes ok on Wed Anna, let me know what they tell you, may give me some idea of what to expect.

1st baby's are so confusing!

Rach xx
sorry your going threw all this hun
must be annoying you a little bit
manda xx
I went through a similar thing at 35 weeks and it is confusing but reassuring to get such attention even before they *know* there is or isn't a problem! My appointment with the consultant was just like a routine MW appointment- to the point that it was with a MW and then the Dr came in at the end and basically asked me why I'd been referred to him! I had to explain about the high bp, tingling sensations I'd been getting and show the MW and the Dr the growth chart which showed no growth for a month. They measured fundal height and managed to get 34cm although even this week I'm not that big yet! Needless to say, they weren't concerned enough about my condition to continue care other than normal MW checks each week, or send me for a scan as I didn;t have any other symptoms. Hopefully your bp is just fluctuating and is nothing to worry about, but be reassured, they leave nothing to chance. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: sounds like the difference in readings might be a type of white coat syndrome. I hope it's sorted soon
:hug: :hug: :hug:
must be anooying for you but at least you're getting checked out and monitored xxxxx
I know how youfeel about being a pin cushion! I have only ever been able to give blood through me feet (not many veins in my arms) but everyone insitis on giving it a go! (Its almost like a challenge once you say they will have difficulty!

You could ask if they could leave the cannula in, might make you a little less like a pin cushion. Hope the bruises aren't too bad.

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