hiccups ....

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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when do these calm down ? leland gets them at every feed and sometimes when he gets upset too . they can be so harsh they make him sick and i feel so sorry for him !

his usually finished all his bottle so i cant do the trick of feeding him more

is there anything else i can do to help ?

is it something that passes with time / grow out of ?
My little one has always had a lot of hiccups...When we took her to the osteopath because of her back issues, he managed to solve hiccups too. Now she is still occasionally hiccuping but mostly when she is greedy and eating too fast! :D But it doesn't seem to bother her at all
Just keep him upright and rub his back, they will soon go away :D
if there are wet hiccups it could be a little bit of reflux. keep him upright for a little bit after his feeds and pat his back gently.

you dont lie him down with the hiccups do you? best not to. ive had a few blue baby incidents with Ami from sick choking although she has chronic reflux.

my nan always says that a baby who hiccups is thriving!
i do wind him half way , he does drink quick tho !

and ive been keeping him upright , seems natural do to so , think its co id hate to be lieing down myself with hiccups !

sounds like im doding everything i can , mw today suggested i give him a lil bit of water .

i do think he has a lil bit of reflux , it actually looks like the hiccups dont taste good if that makes sense? or hurts ? which i suppose they would if it they were acidy !
yes, it tastes disgusting and burns the oesophagus so definately hurts. sometimes Ami's bleeds and her sick goes pink :( i really panicked the first time that happened.

does his breath smell at all? (an acidy smell) or does he ever cough/sneeze after feeding? they are all tell tale signs of reflux. he will grow out of it, as long as he is gaining weight theres no need for concern unless its causing major discomfort then doctors can prescribe things etc.

sounds like youre doing everything right though. the only problem with giving water is if it is reflux the water will make it worse. (im not sure why exactly, the dietician told me that)

bless him. i hope something works for you :hug:
he does sneeze , but his also very snuffly / mucasy sounding especially at night !

might raise his bed up a wee but tonight as he seeems to sleep better on his bouncer and if his on our bed on a pillow !
well, let me tell you what happens with us at night. Ami will get very clogged up, snuffly, congested and this is because as she sleeps the food is aspirating onto her chest (or it may already be there from the days feeds) so the mucus is her way of clearing her chest. by morning she has swallowed so much of the stuff it usually comes up in a big snot ball :puke:

whether leland has a sniffle or reflux raising the bed 30 degrees will do him the world of good but you already know that! Ami is asleep in her chair at the moment, she too sleeps a lot better like that than in bed.

if hes gulping his food down quick it could be just air. wish he could tell you!

i dont know what else to suggest, i just hope he feels better soon. and no more painful hiccups! xxxx
his had me up all night from from his midnight feed with his bad snuffles or what ever it is :cry: feel exhausted and have now had a headache for 3 days , its the 3rd really bad night weve had in a row .

his just had bad hiccups after his 8 am feed , and lost most of it brekkie :cry: just given him a bit of water doesnt seem impressed but i think its stopped them :think:

i just dunoo , the boy can sleep so soundly and quiet durring the day!
oh bless him :(

maybe he has a bit of a cold - that can bring on reflux and as you know when youre poorly you always feel worse at night and first thing.

if he has a slepp today, get your head down with him. sleep deprivation is a nightmare, im suffering from it myself and i just cant be bothered doing anything. Ami has just thrown up everything that was in her tummy so i understand how you must be feeling.

persevere with the water, he may appreciate it if hes feeling a bit poorly.

hope you have a better night tonight. :hug:
i tried infacol and we got , well lots of poo out the other end , very explosive poo :rotfl:
Finn used to get them daily and they wracked his whole little body. Now he gets them maybe once a week, if that.

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