Hi there, a few questions from a newbie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2008
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Hi guys, as a lot of others- i often lurk around the site reading up on everyone else's posts but have come to the point where I thought i'd join you guys. Am a little nervous cos i don't usually post on forums and am feeling a little shy. :oops:

My partner and I have been TTC for 6 months. (BTW not up on the all the terminology- still trying to learn!) My cycle length is 37 days! and i am usually regular.

Anyways id be grateful if someone could answer for me the following: When you think you have conceived/are pregnant what is your CM like and your cervical position?

I am sure I will stick around a bit more now and hopefully join in with you guys if that's ok. Would be nice to have people to go through stuff with. You are all so supportive from what i am seen.

Sorry about the rambling!!
:wave: welcome!

i am new to this too (well not the forum but the TTC bit) so im not wise enough to help really, iv NO IDEA what my CP is like but CM the times iv been pregnant has been LOADS. but generally i kind of always have quite a bit anyway LOL!

look forward to talking to u :hug:
Hiya, thank you for the welcome :D

Yeh I thought I heard that before about loads of CM. I am one day late and am starting to sympton spot like crazy! I am sure I am imagining alot of it-like a weird taste in my mouth etc!

Looking forward to chatting too :)
Hi hon,

If you are regular 37 days then it's worth noting that you probably ovulate around day 20 - 23 of your cycle, as you ovulate 14 days before your period. The myth of ov'ing on day 14 is for ladies with a perfect 28 day cycle. Not sure if you knew this. If I were you I would keep an eye out for egg white cervical fluid - long and stretchy, usually clear but sometimes opaque but stretches well between your fingers and also make sure you have sex from day 17 until day 24 at least once every other day. No hot bats for hubby as this kils sperm

6 months is not long so don't be put off.

Good luck,

Becs x
hi :wave: welcome!!
i have read that the cervix is normally high if you are pregnant (but not always straight away!) also i've heard it described as feeling swollen but don't know whether this is always the case. as for cm think this increases and becomes thicker- maybe someone who is pregnant can confirm this. mine tends to be creamy when af is due to arrive- again don't know if this is the norm!!
so to summerise- TEST TEST TEST TEST!!!!!!!
hi and welcome :wave:

i am new to this ttc'ing malarky. You soon get up to speed with the abbreviations, if you arent sure of something just ask. no one bites....much :lol:

good luck

Hi Becs,
thanks for the message, and yeh 6 months isn't long i suppose, i did read someone here that a higher percentage of couples get preganant in 12 months.

Thanks for the info on the cycle, I was due my period yesterday and when I looked on a fertility website it said I would've ovulated around the end of November. Yeh i will look out for that stretchy stuff in the future! and i didnt know that about hot baths- so thank you!!
Hi Puds, thanks for the welcome and the info, I really have got to get into this charting lark cos i have no idea about CM etc at different times in the cycle.

yeh i should test i guess but then i am slightly scared that AF is a bit late so may wait a few more days.

Hi Franky, thanks for the welcome,what a friendly bunch on here! :D
Is there a previous post somewhere that can help me with the abbreviations? xx

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