Hi, new here pregnant with #3 looking for advice **UPDATE**


Feb 22, 2010
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Hi everyone,

I am 21 weeks pregnant with my third baby and after two very easy straightforward pregnancies was very shocked to find out that this baby has mild ventriculomegaly. So, here I am searching the internet for any information I can find while we wait the two weeks until our next scan to see if the measurements have changed.

If anyone knows anything about this condition I would be very grateful.
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No adive hun im afraid but didnt want to read and run...

I hope everything works out for you

Hello :)

Congrats on your pregnancies , so sorry about the Negative sides though.. I dont have any info on this illness myself as I don't have any children ... YET!
Did you look at the site hun?? i hoped it helped a bit, i found myself readin up on it too

Did you look at the site hun?? i hoped it helped a bit, i found myself readin up on it too


Yes, I did, and I joined the site. It was good to read, especially as it's real experiences. I think it's given me some real hope that maybe everything might just turn out ok.

Thank you :)
I found this hun sounds a bit scary though

Ventriculomegaly is a brain condition that occurs when the lateral ventricles become dilated. The most common definition uses a width of the atrium of the lateral ventricle of greater than 10 mm . This occurs in around 1% of pregnancies . ...
Im glad the site helped you hunni :)

Yeah i was readin the real life cases, and its not all bad at all....do try not to worry hun.

Keep thinkin happy posotive thoughts

I found this hun sounds a bit scary though

Ventriculomegaly is a brain condition that occurs when the lateral ventricles become dilated. The most common definition uses a width of the atrium of the lateral ventricle of greater than 10 mm . This occurs in around 1% of pregnancies . ...

Thanks for looking... that's pretty much what the consultant told us as baby's ventricles are measuring 11.5mm. It's still mild at the moment, but could change either way or stay the same, we'll know more after the second scan.
Im glad the site helped you hunni :)

Yeah i was readin the real life cases, and its not all bad at all....do try not to worry hun.

Keep thinkin happy posotive thoughts


Thanks again Laura. You're right, and it is better than just the stats.
Welcome to the Forum :) & hope you get some positive news soon xx
Welcome to the forum :petal:

Sorry to hear of yours and bump worries *hugs*

Hi Pink, welcome to this site, hope the baby is happy and doing well at your measurement scans
Keep coming onto the forum as the girls are always really supportive when you need a chat
I just wanted to let you all know that we went for our follow up scan and test results last week. Previously the baby's ventricles were measuring 11.5mm and I had an amnio and bloods taken for infection screening. Well, all the tests all came back clear and when they did the scan the ventricles were only measuring 8mm! So we have officially been signed off! I wanted to thank everyone who has posted - it really has meant a lot. Thank you :)
That's great news hun, you must be so relieved :)

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