Hi...I'm New!!


May 11, 2006
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Hi Ladies...

A little bit about me, I'm 28 and live in the West Mids with my husband. We married nearly 7 weeks ago and I'm nearly 7 weeks pregnant! This is my second pg, I m/c last Oct at 6 weeks, so I'm already past the point I was dreading. Starting to feel more confident. This pg feels very different to the last one, I have symptoms that I didn't get last time. Boobs have grow and are sore! My veins on my boobs and tummy are very noticeable, Is this normal??!? The thing that concerns me the most is my pee! From the very beginning it changed in colour and it's still the same, very strong yellow. I am drinking more but perhaps not as much as I should be but is this normal? Is it something I should be worried about?

Thanks for reading!!

Archer x
Hey Archer

Welcome and congratulations to you.

I think the veins are very normal; I don't have any on my tummy (at the mo) but have loads on my boobies! Everyone is different remember! A friend of mine has veins on her stomach and boobs and has done for a while.

With regard to your urine, have you been taking any kind of supplement? I take pregnacare and noticed that my urine became like a bright yellow! Again I am sure this is all normal but your blood and urine will be checked when you see MW.

Take care of yourself and keep us updated on your progress :D
WELCOME Archer !! :D

I am about the same stage as you and I have noticeble veins on my boobs and belly ( more near my hips ) and yes everybody is different but it certainly sounds promiseing for you hunny well done and congratulations!!! I wish you all the best with the Pregnancy !!
Cheers guys...

Exciting but Terrifying time!! :D

Veins are defo more near my hips but how freaky are the ones on my boobs!!!

The only thing I have been taking is folic acid.
lol I know what u mean by the ones on boobs are weird cuz mine reminds me of lightning going across my cheast!

Yeah!! How are you feeling at the moment? Is this your first?
Hi Archer,

I don't know about the wee(!) but I just wanted to give you a big welcome to the forum, and to say congratulations on your marriage, and your pregnancy! :D
Archer said:
Yeah!! How are you feeling at the moment? Is this your first?

Yes this is my first, its really scary though and im not enjoying it at the moment ( cant stop feeling sick ! ) but you don't get anything great in life without a few ups and downs first.

I seem to get darker wee now and then but I think its due to my diet changing and not eating enough.

I really think its great that you got married and then found out you were pregnant its really wounderfull.

xx :angel:
:clap: Congrats on your wedding and pregnancy and welcome to the forum :D Not sure bout the veins but with regards to your wee being darker, i have had very dark wee ever since i found out i was pg, have had to have some urine tests due to infections and problems down there which is def normal when pg and doc says all is fine with my results, so can assure if dark wee were a problem my doc would have said, i think its just a case of everyone having different symptons when pregnant, if you are worried though you should see your midwife they're always happy to help. Hope that is a bit more reassuring to you.

Hiya Archer
Yet another person from the west mids!...where abouts are you from?
Hi Archer!

Welcome to the forum, congrats on your marriage and pregnancy!!
Hope it all goes well for you, loads of lovely people here to support you xxxx
Hi Archer,

Welcome to the forum! I am 27 and nearly 6 weeks pregnant with my first - how nice that you fell pregnant around your wedding! I have exactly the same symptoms as you. My wee is yellow and smells like a man's! That is the only way I can describe it! Not sure what causes it but I think it is quite common.

Wishing you a healthy, happy 9 months,

Lynsey xx

Thanks for the replies ladies, it's so nice! :D

We had been ttc since the m/c last year and it has made this extra special that I fallen pg straight after the wedding!!

We are living in Wordsley, Stourbridge at the moment...

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