Hi, I'm a newbie


New Member
Aug 16, 2005
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Hello everyone,

Thought I'd join so I could share my feelings, coz don't want to discuss with other people in case they go on and on about asking me if I'm pg yet all the time!!

Well, I'm 32, married and came off the injection in January and sat back and waited for AF to come....finally arrived in May! Been having 28 day cycles since and just going with the flow.

Thought I'd got it bang on on Friday when I had breast pain, metal taste in mouth, mega tiredness and over weekend got back ache etc, only to have got AF a week early... I'm a bit confused, is this normal? When will I ever know when I'm fertile?

Sorry, if I sound a bit dim, but this is all very new to me, having tried not to get pg for 15 years!!

Thanks for listening.
hi lisa and welcome im pretty new on here myself everybody here is very friendly i know how u feel about telling ppl your ttc they want to know every 5 mins are u yet lol me and other half are keeping it a secret till i get a bfp too i wish u all the best with ttc i know from what others have said on here it can take quite a while sometimes for your body to straighten out once coming off contraception so dont lose heart and keep trying im sure it will happen soon
good luck xxxx
Welcome Lisa, you'll love it hear. The people are great, and there's always someone on here who can help you.
I'm in a similar boat to you. I'm 35, just got married, had the coil removed a few weeks ago. My coil was one that stopped AF completely, however, my body still carried on ovulating, just didn't get the thickening of the womb, so no AF's for nearly 10 years!! My gp told me that if I had BD in the week before having the coil removed, I could possibly get pregnant immediately. Well, I'm a newly-wed!!! :wink:
Unfortunately, this means that I have no idea of my cycle. I had coil removed on 20th July, Then just carried on BD as normal as no idea if I was ovulating. AF arrived on the 28th July (that was weird after 10 years!), so I then started weeing on ovulation sticks every day from about 8 days after that to try and work it out. Turns out I was ovulating on around the 14th August, so I will be testing with a First Response on about the 26th.
This is already killing me, my heart goes out to all those who have been trying for a while, you are all so strong.
If we all hang in there, and try to relax, hopefully we'll all end up in the Newly Pregnant part and not in the TTC part very soon!!!! :D :D
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the forum, I only joined up myself at the weekend, but already feel part of the family. I too have been ttc since Jan but have had no luck, prior to that I was on the pill for 10 years, so was all over the place with af for the first few months. Things seem to have settled down now and I have bought an ovulation kit for next month (if bfn this month) to see if that will help us along. It's great to have somewhere to share your feelings and ask silly questions - most of the time it's something someone else is dying to know as well!!

Hi Lisa,

A big welcome to you.
I was on the pill for years and years then decided to give the injection a go,coz with my job it was pretty tricky taking the pill all the time and didn't want a bubba then. I had the injection for 2 yrs then decided to come off contraception altogether (didn't have a boyf at the time & wanted to give my body a break) I guess i was lucky in a way coz it took about 2 months for my body to adjust back to normal & got regular 28 day cycles.
Not really sure why your af came a week early, are you sure it was your af & not implantation bleeding? What symptons do you normally get with your af?
As for knowing when you're fertile, look out for the signs your body gives off i.e temperature/cm/cp. & you'll soon start to spot what's going on.

Hope this helps a bit. Good luck hun.

Hi Lisa,

A big welcome to you.
I was on the pill for years and years then decided to give the injection a go,coz with my job it was pretty tricky taking the pill all the time and didn't want a bubba then. I had the injection for 2 yrs then decided to come off contraception altogether (didn't have a boyf at the time & wanted to give my body a break) I guess i was lucky in a way coz it took about 2 months for my body to adjust back to normal & got regular 28 day cycles.
Not really sure why your af came a week early, are you sure it was your af & not implantation bleeding? What symptons do you normally get with your af?
As for knowing when you're fertile, look out for the signs your body gives off i.e temperature/cm/cp. & you'll soon start to spot what's going on.

Hope this helps a bit. Good luck hun.

Nicki.x :D

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