Hi I am new! (well old actually...!)

I seem to get dark lines early too. My lines were much darker than the control the day I missed my period all three pregnancies.
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I'm the opposite, Bunny. With my last pregnancies I got BFNs the day my period was due and didn't get a BFP til I was 5 days late, and the lines were not that dark (not faint either but definitely not as dark as this time round).
Weird how we're all different isn't it? I can only go by my last pregnancy where my line was dark 4 days after period due (on a 35 day cycle) but nowhere near as dark as this one.
It just feels really weird as I didn't even know I was ovulating, I HATE not knowing things!
I have had a sneaky try with my doppler and nothing yet so likely I'm only 6 or 7 weeks I guess, maybe 8. Aghhhh I want to know now!

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