hi girls i need your help(long)


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2006
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hannah is 15 months and has never been very good at eating,last week (monday) i took her to the doctors with a virus which the doc said would go in a couple of days. since tuesday hannah has not eaten anything and is sick and had the runs, i have taken a stool sample to the docs today for them to test but she wont put anything in her mouth i have tried everything from leaving food hanging around for her to run about with and feeding her and nothing. if she even attempts to put food in her mouth she is sick straight away but she is drinking, i just wondered if anyone had something simular happen and if anyone had any advice i am desperate ty
Im so sorry, I dont know. It could be a stomach bug but hopefully the stool sample will tell more. If she is drinking and giving you wet nappies then thats something. Is she wanting to eat but unable or just not really wanting to.
I hope she is better soon :D
no idea hun :(

as long as she is drinking though x

sorry im no help hope you get it sorted though let us no :hug:
Charlie had exactly the same thing a couple of weeks ago, he was not eating and when he did, he was so sick and he had diarrohea(sp) (which is still not completely right now!). :(

We took him to the doctors and she said it was a bug and that anything dairy is causing him to be sick so we weren't to give him any milk or any cheese, yoghurts e.t.c, for at least 24hrs, just dried food like toast but he wasn't eating this either, the only thing I could get him to eat were breadsticks. She said to give him water with a pinch of salt and a pinch of sugar in as well so as to make sure he gets what he needs, he drank this really well.

I worried so much that he was going to be starving but all the time you are feeding them, you are feeding the bug!

They will eat when they are hungry and as long as they are getting fluids.

It took Charlie over a week to get back to eating and he is still being fussy now!

Hope Hannah gets better soon :hug:
Max had a bad bum for about 6 weeks, and wasnt really interested in food but did eat something, he didnt sleep well either so he was tired. but then one day he just ate like a horse and was totally back normally,

I had to take 3 samples of poo to the hospital for testing but havent had the results yet, but a bit late now as he is fine again!

have you tried really easy things to eat like ice cream or jelly, i know they are not the best foods to eat, but if she maybe has a sore throat it might help ??

sorry cant be more help, hope little un ok soon xx

thanks so much for your help girls,hannah is the same will eat breadsticks god only knows y but she has had a little porridge today so fingers crossed
i know how you feel ewan has had this gastroenteritis bug for a week now, he is getting better but its slow, he managed to go all day yesterday without vomiting. but today was sick again.
the doctor saod just to feed little and often and avoid any dairy - difficult as he loves his milk etc.
the doc gave him some blackcurrent rehydration sachets.

Elliott has this horrid bug too right now- utter nightmare! The only thing he has wanted to eat is banana custard though but should I not be giving him milk? What about formula? He's been ill since Wednesday and my OH and I had it at the weekend too which was really awful although thankfully my OH got it 24 hours earlier than I did and so was able to look after Elliott when I really couldn't. We took him to the Dr this morning and she packed us off with some Diorylte but basically just said that it was a virus and to keep him drinking. NHS direct were helpful last week with advice although they basically said to try and give him things which were watery to eat like jelly and peaches but he has refused to have either of those. Poor boy I dread to think how much weight he must have lost. My washing machine has never been so busy either as we discovered that our reuseable nappies kept the runny poo in better than disposables. I'm finding it so hard not to panic about him.

Hope your little ones are better soon
This bug is definately going around at the moment, Charlie is finally after almost 3 weeks back to his normal self and is eating much better :D

I know what you mean about the washing, my god I've never used so much vanish!

If Elliot is still being sick, I wouldn't give him dairy products, keep him on the fluids and try him with dry toast and breadsticks.

Hope this bug goes soon and all your babies are better soon :hug:
Thanks lucylou, 3 weeks?! Oh no! Glad he's feeling better now.

Yeah he was sick for the first week, had the runs for the next week and then just wouldn't eat and was unhappy, I think this had something to do with teething as well.

Hope Elliott gets better soon :hug:
hannah started picking up yesteday thank god, i had her weighed tuesday and she had lost 11oz
So glad Hannah is picking up Mary- this bug is so scary isn't it? Have you been given any advice about feeding her up again afterwards?

Elliott is still poorly, he wasn't sick last night but his tum is no better poo-wise. He's only had half a piece of toast today and totally refused the wide option of other things I offered him. It feels so wrong not getting food down him. I've taken the stool sample to the Dr today so I guess if it's not a virus they'll find out but I think that because we had it too it probably is. I'm supposed to go back to work on Friday, only for 4 hours but I don't think I can leave him because I'm scared he'll give it to my friend who is looking after him, that he will be really upset because he is really really clingy because he's unwell and because I feel bad about asking anyone else to clean up all the vom and poo. 13 months off and I might have to call in carer's leave on the first day back- not good is it? My oh says that I've got to keep things in perspective and that the Dr wasn't too concerned and that it will just go in time but it's hard not to panic when you see them so poorly :(. He's never been properly ill before and I guess I've been really lucky but I keep worrying that I won't know when the time is right to take him back to the Drs. It'll be a week tomorrow- how long were your babes until they started to get better rather than staying the same or getting worse? How much were they actually taking in in terms of formula/food etc? He probably had the same amount of diorylyte as he normally does fomula yesterday is that how much your babes were drinking? His nappies are still wet and he has tears and doesn't look sunken eyed at all so I don't think he's in danger of dehydrating and that's the main worry isn't it?

Sorry to wibble

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