Hi everyone, I'm new here!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi everybody,

I just found this forum, what a great idea! I'm 26+2 and have spent the last 21 weeks since I had my positive test feeling like I had nobody to talk to who understood what I was going through!

So this is me saying hi! :wave:

How is everyone getting on with their pregnancies? At the moment I'm really struggling with the heat. I've been measuring on the large side since 16 weeks... At 26 weeks I'm measuring on my way to 29 weeks, so I'm feeling like a whale waddling around! Anyone else sharing this?

Can't wait to meet my little boy though! Maybe then my back pain will subside a bit, I need help even getting up from the sofa!!

Hi and welcome :) its great here, everyone is really friendly!

Congrats on your pg and finding the forum xx
Hi, welcome to the forum, it's a good support network on here!
Hi hunny, welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your pregnancy and on team blue :D x x

:wave: welcome to the forum, you are in good company here ;) xx
Thanks everyone, I'm happy to be here! Looking at the other posts on the forum, I can tell this is a great support network!

Time to hit the hay I think!


hiya welcome to the forum congratulations on your pregnancy x
Welcome and I feel your pain about the sofa thing! I either have to get hubby to pull me up off it or I have to roll off it in a very undignified way - lol
Hiya :wave: and congrats on your little boy :) its very supportive here, i dont know what id do without my preg ladies!!
Thanks ladies :) I'm loving being here, I feel so different knowing there are so many people out there feeling exactly the same as I am!!

Hey hun, welcome!
I hope you find pf as helpful as I have, it's really lonely when you have no one to talk to who is in the same boat as you!......I am about a week behind you but feeling huge too......finding moving in bed getting really awkward and if I sit on anything low it's really hard to get up!!.......I'm having a little boy too! Have you thought of any names yet? My OH an I are sreally struggling!!

.......Hope all continues well for you hun!xx

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