Hi :D


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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I popped on here last night cos someone was wondering where I was and realised how much I've missed, I haven't been on for ages!!

I hope everyone is good. We're fine, the boys are both doing great. Ryan is finally walking and Josh is doing really well in school. Honestly, I know every parent says this, but my kids are unbelieveable, I'm so proud of both of them :D

I was saying in August that I was gonna be prepared for Christmas this year, yet here we are with about 6 weeks to go and I haven't bought a single thing. I don't even know what I'm gonna buy either :?

Anyway, I'm off to catch up with stuff :) :hug:

i do believe we were having the xmas talk the other day lol!!! Ive aquired (sp?) a christmas tree now :cheer: :rotfl: but still no further with present lol..

awwww your boys really are so cute!! id be proud of them too... :D
:wave: alreet lass!

Glad you and kids are ok - i'm exactly same with christmas pressies :D
Sweetcheeks24 said:
:wave: alreet lass!

Glad you and kids are ok - i'm exactly same with christmas pressies :D

Did I send you my new number the other week? :think:
Yeah I think so! I'm sure I updated it in my phonebook :think: gonna text you now if you don't get it text me again so I have the right number :lol:
yay!!! Great to see you back!!!

And of course you are proud of your boys, they are both so scrummy! :D

Not to show off, but I am just about done with my christmas shopping!

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