Hi - can you help a newbie??

baby 4 me

New Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Hi everyone,

I am brand new at this and I'm very confused! I've read a bit about everything to do with conceiving a baby but would like some advice from those in the know - i.e. you guys! I'll tell you a wee bit about myself first.

I'm 29 years old, have no children as yet (fingers crossed) and have hypothyroidism (I've read this can hamper attempts to get pregnant) I'm on meds for the hypo though which seems to control everything pretty well.

I stopped taking the pill about 2 years ago (not to get pregnant, but because of a family health issue) and my periods have been erratic ever since. My cycle is anywhere between 29 and 47 days long - argh! I've been to the docs for all the relevant tests and he confirmed that everything is working just fine :D

ANYWAY - here's the thing I need advice on. I had my period from 23rd Dec to 26th Dec. We made the decision to "baby-make" in the new year and had sex on 3rd Jan and tonight (I'm in Australia just now so we are ahead of you by 9 hours!!) I experienced the thick CM on 4th Jan, had a neg OV test on 6th Jan (no 2nd line at all) and a line which was lighter than the control line today. Because I'm so confused I would like to know if I've missed my window of opportunity this time round or if it's still to come?? Sorry for being dense! Just let me know if you need any other info.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Baby 4 me xx
If you have long cycles that vary in length, chances are you could occasionally be like me and have more than one patch of fertile cm before you actually ovulate. Best thing to do is assume you haven't ovulated yet and keep bd-ing until you either get a positive opk or a positive hpt!

Do you chart? If not, I highly recommend it as it'll be clear when you ov by your bbt. opk's are great when they work, but they don't work for everyone, unfortunately. Depending on the opk's sensitivity, they might be picking up just any old LH in your stream (mine do - I get faint lines most days) instead of your actual surge.

Also, have you talked to your doc about what the medication does to your cycle/fertility/cm? It could be helping but it could also be hindering.

Hope things come clear for you, hon! :hug:
Hi Melissa,

thank you so much for your reply. I don't chart as yet but I am going to buy a BBT soon and start, it looks very complicated though :p As the meds I am on are a hormone that my body is meant to produce anyway it has no effect on anything else so I am not concerned about that.

Can you or someone else help me with my new queries? My "timeline" is this:-

period from 23rd Dec to 26th Dec, EWCM on 4th Jan, sex on 3rd Jan & 7th Jan, neg ov test on 6th Jan then positive ov tests on 8th & 9th Jan.

1. can anyone advise the earliest I'd be able to test 2. is there even the teeniest tiniest chance that I could be pregnant 3. if I was pg could I have sore breasts already as they are S.O.R.E.!!

Hope someone can help again - thank you so much. This is all very complicated - how anyone just "falls" pregnant I'll never know!! xx
29 day cycle - you would be due af on 20th Jan
30 day cycle - you would be due af on 21st Jan and so on.

Eveyone ov's differently, but if you were looking "generally" based on a 29 day cycle your most fertile times would be approx on 6th, 7th and 8th. Again, this is general as everyone is different. You never know, you may have your BFP this month!

Good luck x
Hi baby4me, not to sure about your question but welcome to the forum. :wave:

I'm 30 and have been ttc2yrs how long have you been ttc.
I also have underactive thyroid im on 125 thyroxine and drs told me the same that its a replacement of what body produces normally so agree it shouldnt stop us getting preg. It does concern me though as I was previously overactive and had radio iodine hence now underactive just worry how if we did get preg would it affect bloods as I for 1 never want to be overactive again ever!!

I think the sore boobs is good sign though and reading what space angel says I would get a test, oooooer exciting.
Good luck :pray:
baby 4 me said:
Hi Melissa,

thank you so much for your reply. I don't chart as yet but I am going to buy a BBT soon and start, it looks very complicated though :p As the meds I am on are a hormone that my body is meant to produce anyway it has no effect on anything else so I am not concerned about that.

Can you or someone else help me with my new queries? My "timeline" is this:-

period from 23rd Dec to 26th Dec, EWCM on 4th Jan, sex on 3rd Jan & 7th Jan, neg ov test on 6th Jan then positive ov tests on 8th & 9th Jan.

1. can anyone advise the earliest I'd be able to test 2. is there even the teeniest tiniest chance that I could be pregnant 3. if I was pg could I have sore breasts already as they are S.O.R.E.!!

Hope someone can help again - thank you so much. This is all very complicated - how anyone just "falls" pregnant I'll never know!! xx

HI darlin. With that information, I would say it's not likely that you're pregnant but it is possible, mostly with the BD-ing that you did on the 7th of Jan; the BD-ing on the 3rd was probably too early to result in a pregnancy unless you actually ovulated on the 8th, and even then it's highly unlikely as the maximum amount of time sperm is able to stay alive is 5 days and the average is more like 3 days. I'd say your earliest reliable testing day will be the 19th of Jan.

Hope that helps, hon! If you want to check out some of the charts, you can come to the chartstalkers thread and have a browse - we're all very happy to answer questions. :D

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