hi am 24 and expecting number 6

wow, six! congratulations and welcome to the forum! x
Thank you all for the welcomes if anyone wants advice or anything msg me i will try and help if i can stay awake lol my lil boy at 8 months has flu and teething so mummy not allowed sleep and hubby works full time so i try and nab a kip whenever i can or should i say whenever they let me lol :D
Just one question, are you concidered high risk now as my options are so limited now and it really pisses me off, i want either a water birth or use of the birthing suite but not allowed either, just wondered if its the same in your area :think:
i think the only reason i am classed as high risk is because they is a greater chance of bleeding so i had to have a needle in the back of my hand all the way through my last labour incase i would need a blood transfusion noone has said that i carnt have a water birth and my midwife said i could have a home birth if i wanted as i have never really had any major problems in my other labours i dont know why they would say u couldnt have a water birth like i said i only had a needle in the back of my hand
chaz84 said:
i think the only reason i am classed as high risk is because they is a greater chance of bleeding so i had to have a needle in the back of my hand all the way through my last labour incase i would need a blood transfusion noone has said that i carnt have a water birth and my midwife said i could have a home birth if i wanted as i have never really had any major problems in my other labours i dont know why they would say u couldnt have a water birth like i said i only had a needle in the back of my hand
because this is my 7th baby i too am so say at high risk of bleeding and yet my other 6 births have been easy straight forward with not even a stitch so just wondered if it was my area.
It must be luv because noone has said anything to me about not been able to do certain things like i said midwife was trying to convince me to have a home birth but i always said i wouldnt because i live quite a distance away from hosp incase i needed treatment there n then
Cheers me dear now i know next time im going private :roll:
you planning number 8 all ready your braver than me lol
6?! I thought my sister was mad having 4!!!!!!!!

Well done on this pregnancy!! And welcome to the nut house, sorry I mean forum!! :wave:
chaz84 said:
you planning number 8 all ready your braver than me lol
it was either to be 6 or 8 so if all goes well with this one i would like number 8 but then that really is it :wink:
yeah mary i had all mine there my first was born at old jessops i have got to say i like it there staff are nice apart from this one midwife i got mith my second to last she kept saying blow the pain away to point i was pushing because i was getting mad then my husband said look u deal with down there i will deal with her becuase i was listening to him n breathing better are you at jessops mary
both mine have been born at jessops Kieron at the old one and Hannah at the new one and my husband built it lol and the staff were fantastic at both especially in scbu
my eldest boy is called ciaran too just spelt different when i was preg with him i couldnt think of a name for him then at about 38 weeks i woke up wrote a name down and that was the name ciaran only realsied i had been dreaming about ciaran of most haunted because i had been watching it that night lol all together i have got sandra-lisa 8 alesha 4 ciaran 3 amber 2 and logan 8 months if this one is a girl its is going to be called leila and a boy braedon i have a thing with names all the girls names have to end in A or sound like a A and the boys have to end in an or en or sound like because when you say them they sound nice wouldnt want sandra alesha the bob just wouldnt go :lol:
Congratz on number 6, it really is nice to see other people with big familys, i have 4 kids & no.5 on the way most people look at me like i'm a freak for having so many kids. I am going to be sterilised after this one though.
Hi and welcome :wave:
Congratulations on number 6 :cheer: I'd love a big family...although I might change my mind after no 1 arrives!!!
thankyouz all yeah people look at me like a mad women and i do get alot of stick because of it but am proud of my kids and that fact i do bring them up to have manners and behave unlike some kids i see its allways good when i see peep looking i just say i know i look amazing for 5 kids dont i lol

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