

New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Hi , I am daisy , its not my real name as I am unsure if my partner or anyone he knows knows of this wonderful place , basically I am 22 and I have been feeling broody for ages and really want a baby , I have been with my partner since september I know its not long but we are both already talking about having a baby !
There is a catch , whereas I really want one and want to get pregnant asap hes a bit more sensible than me and wants to wait till hes in full time employment.
I am signed off sick long term and cant work but bring in enough money to support a family..
I want to stop taking my pill and get ready for preganancy but I am not sure if my partner would be impressed by it .. anyway thats basically it .. hope to meet lots of people on here in the same kina of boat .. please if anyone wants to talk drop me a pm .. daisy
:wave: Welcome to pregnancyforum.co.uk :)

Sounds like your partner is being sensible wanting you to wait. I met my daughter's father in May, moved in in June, engaged in October, married and pregnant in February. All very quickly and we never really had chance to enjoy 'us' and that may be part of why we were divorced 2 years later. You're off on long term sick and he's not working full time so that's another reason to WTT IMO. I'd say come here and chat to other girls who are WTT and feeling just as broody in the meantime and hopefully, when the time is right you'll be sharing the rest of your exciting journey with us! :D
Hi hun, I agree with what Merv's mum said, get to know each other first and just enjoy it been the two of you. I nderstand about been broody thou I'm mega broody but the time just isn't right
Hi hun, and welcome to pregnancy forum :)
You've definitely come to the right place! We're a right broody bunch! :lol:
:wave: hope it all wotks out but in the meantime we are here :)
hiya :wave: i also agree about the waiting thing! i was mega broody when i was like 16! when i was 19 i met the girls daddy in the march, moved in in the june, pregnant in february, engaged the next february and pregnant again in the same month!! i'm now a single mummy to a 1 year old and am due any day now with number 2!! defo agree with the needing to enjoy yourselves first and spend time just the two of you! there's no much i wish we'd been able to do together before having babies!!

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