He's Poorly :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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Luke is poorly for the first time in 6 1/2 months. :cry: :cry: :cry:

He had a bad night on Friday night which I thought was just him being his usual terrible sleeper self. Then Saturday night was the night from hell. He didn't seem ill, didn't have a temperature, nothing... but he just screamed and screamed all night and I didn't get a minutes sleep. I ended up getting really stressed and shouted at him because I thought he was just being bratty and resorted to Calpol just incase it was teething.

Then... yesterday morning, he was a bit snuffly and got progressively worse throughout the day and by last night it was apparent that he has a full blown cough and cold :(

Last night, amazingly enough, he slept quite well considering. I kept him in bed with me so I could keep a very close eye on him and feed him as and when and let him sleep propped on a pillow. Poor little mite was so snuffly and horrible. I had to use nasosal and the aspirator in the early hours which made him scream blue murder, which then in turn made me cry too. :(

He seems brighter today after a good sleep last night so fingers crossed. Very snotty though.

I'm not used to this whole illness thing.... :shock: :shock: :shock: Bring back exclusive boob milk LOL. I do find it quite funny though how 6 months of EBF'ing and he doesn't get ill once and it changes and 2 weeks later he gets poorly for the first time. :talkhand:
Aww poor Luke :( I hope he gets better soon :hug:

Calleigh also hasnt been ill at all being exclusively breastfed :)
Awwww poor little soul.... Hope he feels better soon!! :hug:
There also seems to be a lot of colds about at the moment I think its due to all the kids going back to school and breeding germs amongst themselves to share round with everyone else, virtually every baby in my postnatal group has had a cold in the last couple of weeks! :roll: poor lil babes its not nice at all, and I am getting a bit fed up of the permanent snail trail of snot on my shoulder too lol!

Hope Luke is better soon, :hug: :hug: :hug: from Eva
My LO wasn't exclusively breastfed for 6 months but she also wasn't ill until she was about 8 months old. I think it probably has a lot to do with the seasons - it's suddenly got really cold and lots of people have different bugs etc, it might be their first autumn/winter, they are getting about more with crawling, walking etc, picking stuff up and eating it etc. etc.

I had the same as you Debbie. One terrible night but she didn't seem ill then the next day full blown cold and cough. I really wish they could blow their noses!!!
I think his 3 cousins could have something to do with it too :think: :think: :think: :think:
Poor Luke... :hug: :hug: :hug:

Lil miss has just come down with something similar today... shes only been sick once before and I really feel for her because she doesn't understand...

Ironically the first time she was sick was only a few weeks after being moved onto solid foods after being exclusively bf'd.

This time it's purely and simply the fault of a sneezing, snottering, always forgetting to wash hands or put hands over mouth when sneezing/coughing, big sister :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
d'you know what, i hadn't clicked with the whole weaning thing, but connor has a stinking cold too and this is the first one he's had. i wonder if it does have anything to do with getting less boob milk :think: :think:

poor luke, and lil miss too. and poor connor. its so miserable for them. :( :( and i'm not a big fan of snot-wearing either - connor sneezed his lunch over me today :puke: :puke:
Awww theres so much going around at the minute, Chester started feeling rough on friday night and just like luke he had no temp so we couldnt work it out, then saturday he had a full blown snotty cold! Its the first time he's had actual bunged up nose bless him. He's almost better now, they recover so fast...

Me and DH have it now tho!
Jared has had his first proper illness this last week, and is now on antib's for a chest infection :( I was hoping to get through a year without any antibiotics :? I'm sure it is since the boys have gone back to school, and he has started nursery as I have just gone back to work!

Awww hope he is improving by now. Thinking of you all.

:hug: :hug:

PS I had replied to this before only it must have been when the max user error came up and it never actually accepted the post and my browser got closed. Thought it had gone through but alas not. Feel awful as I don't want you to think I'm not interested in how things are going there. I am, just stupid max user error stuffed it up :oops:
:hug: :hug: for Luke.
I haven't had any illnesses yet..dreading it, must be horrible :hug:
:hug: :hug: hope hes feeling better now
thomas has just had his first cold horrible isnt it
He is much better today, he was a lot better yesterday actually so fortunately he seems to have been able to fight it off quite quickly. He booby fed a LOT over the past 2 days though so wonder if it helped and gave him a boost? :) He slept a lot during the day yesterday too and then last night slept well also, only getting up for his feeds and actually slept back in his cot again :cheer: :cheer:

Trouble is... now I have it and feel terrible. I feel like someone has made me swallow razor blades. I even had to get Matt to make me a hot drink at 3am because my throat was so sore. I really just want to go to bed and go to sleep but I have to go out. I have to get into town to get a few things today that I can't and won't put off because they're important.
Glad Luke is better but sorry you are feeling poorly :hug:

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