He's Gone :'(


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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My Baby Boy has just gone away for a whole week :cry: :cry: I feel like my arm's been cut off. I miss him so much already, dunno what to do with myself now :cry: :cry:
aww hun i know how you feel, when my DD was 2yrs my mum took her abroad and me and OH didnt dare go out cus we didnt want to miss her phone call. where has he gone? xxxx
awww hun :hug:

You'll be fine honest, get some self-pampering, lie-ins and quality time with your freinds and loved ones and it will fly by, and hes only a phonecall away!

have a HOT cup of coffee?
have a LONG bath
Get drunk
Watch a DVD in PEACE

SHAG other half in every room.
clean the house from top to toe
go out to the cinema
go out for a meal
have a house party

The list is freaking endless woman!!!! :rotfl:
Thanks ladies, He's gone to the Inlaws down in Brighton (2hrs away) for the week.

Budge - I knew you'd cheer me up!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

My little boy is going away for a week in September, OH's parents are taking him to Turkey :cry:

Not looking forward to it at all, I dunno how I'll cope and its not even like he's a baby, he's 4! :lol:
awww sweetie he and u will both be fine

and if u do get bored u could always do some bits on budges list
harry will be fine hun, u concentrate on gettin better!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dont know whether Im silly but Isabella hasnt spent the night away from home yet :shock:
Eveadel said:
Dont know whether Im silly but Isabella hasnt spent the night away from home yet :shock:

You're not silly hun, she's your daughter so its really up to you when she spends the night away from home, I've let Harry stay at hisGrans this week because I need some time to sort myself out as i've been really ill recently and also they only get to see him once or twice a month as they live so far away
Ah thanks.

I bet he has a really great time and you will be revitalised when he comes back

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