Hernia in babies


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Just wondered if anyone has had a baby with a hernia?

I think Paige has got one, only small, as she has a hard lump that can be seen when she is standing or tensed up and its above her belly button, about an inch or 2 directly above it and the size of a penny. Shes not in any pain with it and I think it developed after she had bronciolitus (sp??) so Im going to get her weighed next week and just mention it to the hv.

Was just curious really :)
my friends little boy had one on his belly button but it went back as he got older it didnt hurt him but ur lo is older than he was x
Hey my dd had one from birth. As long as it can POP back in they tend not to worry. K is 5 and its still thee but doesn't cause problems. Just tell then at the docs so it can be noted x x
Yeah it doesnt bother her so I havent been worrying about it, just figured maybe I should inform someone. I reckon theyll just go 'ahhh ok' and leave it at that lol. I get the impression theyre fairly common from what Ive read online :)
My LO has an umbilical hernia, hes had it from birth. But its getting bigger, so we have a follow up appointment this wed to see the pediatricians and will just see what they say (the appointment isn't just for the hernia, its cos he was a prem and in scbu). HV and doctor have seen it, neither were worried about it and apparantly they are supposed to go on there own accord, as baby gets bigger/older and the tummy muscles strengthen and join. But his is massive, so im quite concerned they are gonna say he needs an op. His hernia is actually on the belly button itself and its soft and you can push it back in and it squelches... i don't like it lol!!!
Hi, I was born with hernia, it too is about an inch above my belly button and still sometimes pops out if I cough or sneeze hard! It doesn't hurt and I just can just push it back in. Lol I sound gross. My parents were told they could remove it when I was a baby but only for cosmetic reasons. I'd still mention it to the HV x
they thought my niece had one but it was actually her stomach muscle, they were lazy so had to overwork when she started sitting up and trying to move etc, was like a wee one pac!! :D lol i wud mention it to hv or gp just next time ur there just so its noted incase it changes etc, but if its not annoying her i wudnt worry xx
My sisters little girl had a massive one, a d I mean massive. The hospital said they wouldn't do anything and would check her again when she was two. It was gone by 16 months, on it's own x
Thank girls :) Due to all these bank holidays Im not seeing the hv again until a week on monday so can't update just yet.

I think theyll just say keep an eye on it, but tbh, I forget its there until shes crawling around naked!
zaks got a massive one above his belly button. going to see a paediatrician at end of may. hopefully it will just heal on its own. x

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