Hernia during pregnancy..


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Have any of you ladies had this?
I have a incisional hernia on my tummy about 2 inches from my belly button, and i'm worried what will happen when bubs gets bigger,
Probably a long shot but i'm hoping that someone somewhere will know something about it as it is worrying me no end and as i'm still waiting to be apointed a midwife i don't know who to ask.

Thank you Fee xx

Although I habve no experience of this I just wanted to say I'm sure your MW will have lots of info, so try to to worry too much, it's quite come I think.
Thanks Urchin, i really hope so, although it seem's not such a rare thing no one i know has had one during pregnancy or knows anyone who has either :?

Ho hum fingers crossed your right and that the midwife will know what the plan of action will be :|
Hi Fee
I have the same thing but not sure what is going to happen untill my next hospital appointment. I found it about 6 weeks ago through agonising pain. It was just above my belly button but as my bump has grown so has the lump. Looks awful when I get up from lying down, laughing, coughing and sneezing as it sticks out so much. My doctor said as long as I can push it back in it should be ok as they wont do anything untill little man is born. But pushing it back in only aggrivates it and makes it more painfull so have stopped doping that (which didnt help as it came straight back out). Some days it really is so sore I just run a hot bath and lie on my side as bump is too big to submerge :lol:
Am a bit worried about the labour as I would like to have a home birth and not sure how this is going to affect my plans. Will keep you posted or if you have found anymore out would be good to hear from you.
Hi Fee
Well think I may have got some sense from someone today :) . Although my plans for a home birth have been squashed. Although I can push my hernia back in, during birth it might (only might) become stuck and unable to go back in. IF this does happen they can do something about it straight away while you are there in hospital and avoid any complications, but shouldnt cause any other problems regarding giving birth. I was told it obviously will get bigger as your bump grows but thats because of pressure pushing everything out. Just to be aware that if you are constipated all the time or having sickness for no reason to see your Dr straight away as there could be a blockage or food isnt digetsing properly. All being well I wont have to have anything done to it untill I have completed my family as a repair wont hold with another pregnancy. So no luck for me as we plan on one more :D
Feel a lot better about things now. Hope this helps you x

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