Henry's tummy time

Aww bless can't watch the vid as I'm having a sleep situation!

Bless he's so cute. I think my LO is the only baby in the world who loves being on her tummy!! I can't keep her off it lol x
He is just so gorgeous!!!!

And blaming the fart on the baby is just cruel :D
Ah bless Henry. He is so cute and yay for tummy time. Chloe isn't a fan :-( x
He's really good at that. Mine is too lazy lol
He hates it normally! I've just started doin it after every nappy change. Even if it's only for a few seconds it's better than nothin.

So proud of my boy :cloud9:
Aww, he's gorgeous :) and very clever xxxxx
He is absolutely adorable! And so strong! Good job Henry!
Aww... He's got a strong neck there hasn't he?
Yeah he has been able to hold his head for ages but it was the first time he'd actually lifted his head up :D
Wow!!! Sam can hold his head but doesn't lift it, how did you encourage him? Do you think being a tummy sleeper helps? X
I just put him on his tummy on his changing mat after every nappy change (unless he is crying) and lay down facing him and just talk to him. As soon as he has lifted his head once he just keeps doin it until he cries that he's had enough!

Don't know of bein a tummy sleeper helps, I'm sure it must do. When I've seen himself his head in bed he just flops his head over, not seen him lift it but he must do.

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