Hen Party Ideas


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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My sister is getting married in Sept and has maid of honour i need to organise the hen party.

Any ideas please

The plan so far is too do something with just close friends and family in the day then everyone go clubbing in our home town with a theme of hot pink and black in the evening we are getting t-shirts printed and will be having lots of pink accessories. There is quite a few people going of all ages.

I need some help with an idea that we can do in the afternoon and tips to make her night out extra good.

Ideas so far include ice skating, swimming, spa stuff, water park, lunch out.

Ideas for evening out include stripper (although not sure about finding a venue that will allow it), early evening booze cruise, ann summers party before we go out.

Im trying to keep the cost down as much as i can.
How about a limmo ride (if you can find a pink one)??

Could be nice to be driven round for a bit with some champagne to drink?
Night Time:
- You could all get ready round her house (or yours) and get the stripper to turn up there before you go out as a suprise?!

- You could set a load of funny and daring "tasks" for her to do during the evening and pin it to her and each one she does you have to tick it off and she can keep it as a funny reminder - Oh and take pictures of her doing each one?!

Day Time:
- Ice skating
- Wine tasting
- You could all gather round someone's house and do little party games with nibbles, wine etc
- Bowling
- Swimming (but generally, with a load of women together, some might not want to get into a cozzi!)
- Paint balling

Hope they helped a bit! x
Thanks ladies im working on the stripper idea at the mo looks like ive found somewhere to have one.

Does anyone know a good stripper company as i want them to turn up! (Ive been to a few parties before where they have not shown)

I agree about the swimming idea im not keen i think i will try and keep it simple.

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