

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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hi Girls

My whole body hurt yesterday as well i had a headache, then night time came and i had a fever all night long and i feel really cold but im not?
Also my left breast is so :( re to touch on the left side and has a big red spot on the side and is hard to touch in that area.
My fever has gone up a little 38.8 C i have no idea what that is in F does anyone know.
ive phoned my health nurse but its only 630am so have to wait till she is in the office.
Any suggestions or ideas please let me know :(
If your worried i would go and get checked out by your doctors hun. Hope you feel better soon
Sound like it could be mastitis hun. Go and see your Dr and they will put you antibiotics (tell them that you are breastfeeding and they will give you ones compatible with it). Plenty of rest, the best thing is to feed from that side - believe me whilst it does hurt when you do it, it hurts even more when it is engorged. Heat is great, hot bath or shower over area or a hot water bottle on red area especially befor feeding as this helps to melt the milk. Hope you are feeling better soon hun xxx
Thats exactly what I was going to say too beanie,

Plus massaging the area with a warm damp towel will help.

Oooh you poor thing :( Mastitis is really awful, I feel for you!

Plenty of bed rest, take bub to bed with you and nurse. Let DH do everything else.

thanx for your reply didnt have tomention that to my nurse she said she thinks its that as wel and to go get antibiotics.... oh and Bernie stayed home today to watch kiara so all ive been doing is feeding her thats it :D
ill let you know how i get on thanks again.

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