

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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I am starting to potty train my little girl. I have no idea where I am going wrong.

I know its the first day and I am too expect accidents but this is just rediculous.

We started off ok. She didnt feel comfortable weeing out of her nappy and she held it for 3 hours till she went on the potty. The 2nd time she had an accident on the floor becasue she couldnt get to the potty quick enough. Then because I praised her for trying it seems like she has stopped trying. She is just weeing everywhere, my carpet is soaked all over. She just wee's and then carrys on what she is doing.

When she has an accident I smile and say never mind try the potty next time. I haven't shouted. After she has had the accident I place her on the potty and say good girl now do a wee wee. She has done one this afternoon on the potty the rest is on the floor. When she has managed I sing and dance and tell her how good she is and how grown up she is.

Please please please help me I dont know where I am going wrong. I have put a nappy on her now.

aww hun it takes time and maybe she just aint ready yet some arent ready till they are a bit older.
Kiara goes some days and other days she will wee and poo elsewhere lol its hard but there still young yet .
I dont really have any suggestions because im in the same position but try not to stress about it too much .
I read if child isnt ready try again in a few weeks .
Im just following Kiaras signs of readiness :)
Good luck hun hope someone can give both of us some suggestions :hug:
I cant give u any advice as my 3 yr old still isnt potty trained!!! we have tried everything.

Are u sure she is ready to use the potty hun???
Awww, dont worry, hun. She's normal! I remember when my eldest was that age I had fourteen pairs of knickers for her :shock: and it took her forever to get it right... Just be patient and i promise you that she will master it. My attitude with these things is that they have usually got the message well before they finish high school. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Dont give up, you are doing a great job... :hug:


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