help!!!!!!!!!! :( :(


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2006
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hi girls, i am still trying to wean Keira onto a bottle and she wont have none of it!
Anyway i am supposed to be going on a hen day on saturday, its a pamper day at center parcs
The trouble is i dont know wether to go as Keira still has breast milk and i am worried she will starve if i am not about. She is 4 months old now and i have just started weaning her onto foods which she loves.
The dilema is do i go on saturday and leave her with daddy or do i stay at home???????????
Have you tried getting your OH to give her a bottle? If you've been giving it to her she might be holding out for boobie?
I agree Kina, I wouldn't even be in the room whilst he is doing it as she will sense you are about and be able to smell your milk.
Let us know how you get on hun

I couldn't breast feed Isaac so not much help there, sorry. But I did see the Baby Whisperer on tv once with a woman that had a similar problem, the mum was going back to work but still wanted to breast feed if I remember rightly, and she used special bottles and teats especially for mums weaning from breast to bottle. I can't remember what they were called but I'm sure one of the breast feeding mums on here would know.

Lou :)
thamks i have tried giving her special teets and letting the oh feed her but still no joy!
Have you tired a beaker? She is the right age for one and may take to that instead of a bottle.
Just for the hen party maybe you could pump lots of breastmilk from now until then and freeze it and get her dad to give her it in a bottle. She might prefer that to formula.
i have frozen some breast milk! i really dont know if i should go?
well you could always go and see how your OH gets on with giving her the frozen breastmilk - if he has problems he could give you a call and you could come home early perhaps.
hun, i think you should go! you deserve some pampering and a break like that would be good. i am sure keira will be fine! it might be what she needs to finally accept a bottle - if she gets hungry enough and realises there's no boobie to be had i'm sure shell take some from a bottle in the end. ooops... sounds harsh maybe, i didn't mean to be! just that maybe her daddy will have to cope with a bit of crying...

must meet up when i get back, bet keira has changed loads!!! i know ruben has, and i see him every day! on a different note completely: how is keira sleeping at night? i'm losing my mind, ruben is TERRIBLE and wakes loads... think it's partly due to teething... any tips for me hun??? i seem to remember you saying keira is a good sleeper, the li'l angel!
hey hun
keira has cut her first two teeth today, she has been so grizzly today though! Must catch up when your back

On the note of my hen do tomorrow, i have ben to boots and brought another type of bottle so we shall see, plus i have cooked off loads of food for her. Just hoping i can relax!
keira has cut her first two teeth today

WOW!!! major event!!! ruben is grizzling like MAD too but they still look pretty deep down to me... how fast did keira's go from being just visible in the gums to actually cutting?

congrats keira on your first teeth!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

enjoy yourself tomorrow hun, and try to relax! hope those new bottles work - sounds like you have pretty much every bottle type there is now... if not, will she take milk from a beaker or just a cup? it can be a little messy, but can work well![/list]
Good luck with the bottles but i agree that if she is really hungry she will end up just taking the bottles in the end cause she will realise there is no boob to be had...Also on the note of teething the powders you can get from boots (cant remember what they are called) worked wonders on my would stop her screaming and soothe instantly..much much better than bonjela, highly recommended! hth
cas x

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