Help with boys names


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Ok so i'm very much Team Yellow :) my partner would like to find out but I won't allow it lol.

I've had a girls name picked out ever since I was little, simply because I've just always loved the name and luckily my boyfriend agrees too, Phoebe with either Jane or Marie as a middle name?? Which do you think sounds better.

Boys names though we are having issues with and cannot agree on anything, see the baby is if course taking Daddy's surname, which is Rumble! So any names beginning with C or G is out of the question for when they come to sign their signature when older lol! It's just gonna spell crumble or grumble :/ lmao! Such a shame because I can think of a couple of C's i like, like Connor.

Here are a few ideas we've had for boys, let me know what you think -

Max (this is my favourite one but my cousin has named her son this, however it has been a few years since i've seen her so don't know whether i should just use it.)
Doug (for some reason my boyfriend loves this, i'm not so keen)

Oh and the middle name has to be Andrew after my partner's dad who unfortunately passed away a few years ago.

Let me know what you think :)
Phoebe Marie flows really well! Better than Phoebe Jane IMO!

As for boys names that go with Rumble (what an unusual surname!) how about;

Ryan Andrew Rumble

Ok that's all I can think of that I like! It's the first one that popped into my head and I think it flows so nice I don't want to think of any more ha ha! :) (got to admit the first name I actually thought of was Barney ;) ) xx

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Think Phoebe Marie sounds best hun :) My fave on your boys list is Matthew - it's on ours too :lol:

Max is really nice too - if you want to use Max I would go for it, especially since you don't really see your cousin! Not too keen on George Jacob and Doug, but that's just me!

Trying to think of a few other ideas...

Liam Andrew Rumble
Scott Andrew Rumble
James Andrew Rumble
Gary Andrew Rumble
Jack Andrew Rumble

Love cc86's idea, Ryan Andrew Rumble sounds good :) xxx
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Thankyouuu :D I think i'm definetly edging towards Max :).

Ryan is nice too but I can't get my OH to agree on it lol. Max and Matthew seem to be the only ones we agree on.

Glad someone else dislikes the name Doug! My OH loves it but I hate it.

Hmm, not sure about Max as it's like 'Maximum Rumble' sounds like the name of a motorbike magazine or something.
I much prefer Matthew, but that's just me.

I love Phoebe Marie though. Phoebe is on our list for girls too :)

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