Help with Boy's Name


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Hi all,

We are team yellow, and for a boy, I really like Theo, and Teddy. But in order for a boy to have both of those names, we'd have to call him Theodore. Which to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of, and I've always been against giving children names with no intention of ever using them!

What do you think? If we call him Theo, we can't use Teddy...

Am I making any sense? All opinions welcome!

Thanks xx
I actually really want Teddy but Dh said no because our last name starts bair so it would be teddy bair ������ I'd pick which you like most and stick to that. I do like Thodore and it may look better on a cv than teddy so I would probably do that personally. Im called Rebecca and have never used it i use Becky so its the same really it doesnt matter what your called on paper until it comes to job interviews etc xx
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This is exactly the same discussion me and my oh are having. I love the name Theo but I don't like the name theodore he however would prefer the longer version and the. Use the nicknames. I don't see the point either. If you name your child Theo you can still call him teddy it's your baby xx
What do you think? If we call him Theo, we can't use Teddy...

Um, why not?

You can call him whatever you want. I have a friend whose baby is Zander, but he was known as Squishy mostly during his first two years lol.

Also I knew a little boy who was called "Bobby" but that wasn't his first name, I can't even remember what his first name was now, but his middle name was Robert and that's why his parents and everyone called him Bobby.

Honestly, I would put Theo on the birth certificate and still call him Teddy as his nickname if that's what you want.

I am planning to do something very similar if I have a boy. My chosen birth certificate name will not be the name I refer to him as when he's little. When he's older he can go by his given name (nickname) other than on official documents, or he can choose to use his birth certificate name or a shortened version of it if he'd prefer :) xx
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Thank you ladies. Can you believe that hubby has NOW decided he doesn't like the name! I still do though, so I'm not giving up. I think if I can persuade him, we would put Theo on the birth certificate and call him whatever we like!

Thanks everyone. xx
A girl I know has a Anthony and hes gone as Bubba. Even his gran and family all call and refer to him as Bubba? Hes like 5 now!!

Temperance very rarley gets called her name, for the first year she was Baby and now she is Tempy, some people use Perry for Temperance and all sorts so you really can call him what you like and have another name on the birth certificate. xx
I think you should go with the shorter version Theo you don't necessarily have to go with the longer name. Our little one is called Avi and people always ask if its shortened for another name!
Edward is often shortened to Ted/Teddy x

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