Help! The three-month old baby refuses any bottles!


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Nov 17, 2008
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Does anybody have any idea? The baby girl has been breast-fed since birth. But now the breastmilk is far from enough to meet the daily standard. She refuses all the bottles we've bought for her. Is there anything that is exactly similar to the nips and can feed the baby very well? Thanks!
there are lots of different teats available so i would say go and have a look at whats available.
hey NUK teats r spposed 2 be like the breast!! xxx
We had this with my daughter but what we did was wait until she was ready for a feed then I went and had a bath so I wasn't in sight or smell and hubby offered her the bottle. It didn't work immediately she would give it a go then refuse more but persistance paid off and eventually she would happily have a bottle from others when I was in the room and after a long time she would take the bottle from me. Babies won't starve themselves you just have to be persistant. Good luck
She may be having a growth spurt so will need and want more milk. If you want to increase your supply to meet her demand try eating oats (porridge) and let her feed from you so your supply will increase for her. Your body should increase supply if she feeds more.

If you really want to go with formula top ups try different flow teats, you need to make sure she has to work for the milk rather than it just pouring down her throat. Also nipple shaped teats might suit her better. NUK do good ones. Also make sure it's not you giving her the bottle as of course she'll want your boob.
Thanks to all of u. I remember vaguely that in the movie "meet the parents", the grandpa was wearing a breast-like bag to feed the baby. I wonder is there anything like this for sale? If there is, what's the name? My friend who is absolutely worried about this problem with her baby wants it badly. I have told her repeatedly to relax and the baby will have to accept the bottle if she's really hungry. But the mother insisted that her baby had just gained the weight of about 500 grams in the third month and she's afraid the baby might suffer from malnutrition. It's really tough to get it solved. Thanks again!

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