HELP!! Spitting out food... Baby Led Weaning?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Ok for the past week EVERY meal that i try to feed her she takes a spoonful into her mouth, swallows some of it then blows raspberries and spits out the rest. This is happening with savoury, sweet and basically the foods that she usually loves... you can tell that she likes it cos she doesnt pull her face or anything but as soon as i take the spoon out of her mouth she starts spraying it everywhere :lol: sounds funny but its really doing my head in, im taking the time to cook home cooked food for her then shes just spitting it right back at me! :wall: Alot of the time she just wont open her mouth for the food and i have to really pursade her to have some.

When I give her something for her to feed herself (toast, rice cakes, chunks of fruit/veg, sandwich etc) she happily munches away without a grumble and seems to really enjoy eating it. To me I think this is an independence thing, shes REALLY independant and likes to do things for herself which is why i think shes refusing spoon feeding. She also wont have a bottle/cup still cos she knows what she wants and wont accept anything less!

Shes waking alot in the night at the mo hungry because shes not eating much during the day. Im thinking of trying baby led weaning as it seems to be what she wants but to be honest im really not sure where to start!! Ive tried giving her the spoon to feed herself but it ends up everywhere except her mouth cos of the length of the handle on the spoon iykwim. What do i do, keep letting her try until she susses it? Are there are special type of spoon you can get? Do i need to give her mainly finger foods as she wont be getting much from the puree'd food shes TRYING to feed herself?

HELP!!!! What do i do!!
aw hun, cant really add anything to what I said on MSN but I will reiterate that your gonna have trouble when shes a teenager!!! Lil Miss Independent!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Im sure loads of people will be able to give you advice on baby led weaning.

Good luck!


dunno. but tbh.. the whole blowing raspberries while eating is really common with lil ones... Tia went through it, to the point I would pop a spoonful of food in her mouth and hold up a muslin square to catch the spray...and lil miss has just stopped doing it so much.. I think they are just experimenting with food in their mouths rather than they don't want it or like it. The thing with baby is perserverance... Lil miss will much finger food, but she gums it along with EVERYTHING else she can get into her mouth including the inedible stuff...

The thing with blw is that you first introduce solid foods as finger foods at 6 months... if you take the decision to wean before 6 months with pureés you will find that your LO will have an intake for solid(mooshy) foods, and she cannot then get her normal food intake from finger foods because they need to learn to eat them... which takes time... If you wait till 6 months THEN introduce finger foods the baby isn't used to having solids so while they take their time to eat finger foods without choking they aren't going hungry... iykwim...

If I were you I'd start making your pureés thicker and wear your crappiest clothes to feed.. oh and feed Ellie naked.. lil miss hasn't been clothed to eat in months... She feeds herself a bit with the spoon but shes not very neat and tidy... but then they need to have practice... at first they don't get it right, but eventually they do.. :D
Jen&James said:
I will reiterate that your gonna have trouble when shes a teenager!!! Lil Miss Independent!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Arghhh shhhh I dread to think :lol: x

Squiglet said:
Tia went through it, to the point I would pop a spoonful of food in her mouth and hold up a muslin square to catch the spray
Haha thats exactly what ive been doing, spoon it in then take cover :lol:

Its just really frustrating as shes hardly eating anything then still hungry, i know that she likes the stuff that shes spitting out which is also annoying! Ive tried her food thicker but she's not keen on 'bits' lol her face is so funny, she doesnt like weetabix cos its 'bity' and just pushes it out with her tongue and looks disgusted even though at first u can tell she likes the taste, seems to be the texture shes not keen on. I think i'll just increase her finger foods and keep trying with the spoon feeding :| wish me luck!! :lol:

I'll stick at it, its just another one of the obsticles we've gotta get over i spose! Thanks chick x
Hey :wave: Ruby is doing this too lol and it goes everywhere!! Im not sure why because she likes the food, i think maybe its just new thing for them to do, im just going to peservere i think. x
Keep persisting jo because Imogen did the same in the early days! she will eat it sooner or later!
So good to know im not on my own, think i just need some encouragement! thanks xx
must be a stage at this age coz ky has had a couple days like this to. i made him cheesy mash earlier he use to love it but he spat it back at me talking and basically gave me the look to say "if you think im eating that youve got another thing coming!" If he doesnt eat i just make sure he has a bottle. its frustrating isnt it! they do so well then to start refusing food is so annoying! Im putting it down to now that hes use to food hes just deciding what tastes he likes and dislikes. im guna keep offereing the foods hes turned his nose up at, dont they say a baby needs to try something god knows how many times before they decide if they like it or not?
I'd give it a go with the finger foods Jo - I have always done a bit of both and it has always worked really really well.

How about trying her with cheese cubes, squashed sandwiches (ham, cheese, cream cheese&pepper, tuna etc) cut into small squares, banana, melon, strawberries, grapes etc.

DD definitely goes through phases though and is currently going through a 'sweeping' phase, absolutely anything and everything on her tray ends up on the floor in a big arm movement and then she wonders where it has gone :?

I make every single one of her meals from scratch and it breaks my heart when she won't take something from the spoon or pick it up and eat it herself and I really hate the waste, but I know she's just being a diva really!

Valentine Xxx
I have an independent one as well, and we went down the BLW route from the start. Even if there is something she needed a spoon for, she would take it alot better if she also had some finger food and some independance.
Now she has to do the spoon/fork herself as well, but is getting much better. THe BLw website has some recipe ideas, but I found adapting what we were eating anyway was the best way.
Good luck!!
i do both.. he has a sandwich and i feed him puree to if charlottes having chips then he has a few chips.. fish fingers.. ruskits (hipp) a bit or apple..rice crackers..bread, toast, trying to think what else.. i jsut give him a bit and he happily munches on it then i give him a spoon full inbetween.. he seems happy with it.. but deffo prefures to do it himself :D

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