Help! Really worried.... Positive test then a negative 1 week later


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2011
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Hi, I'm new to this.....

Last week I got 3 positive test results and was over the moon then this morning did another (I really dont know why but i did) an it came out as not pregnant. Both times a Clear blue digital test was used and with the first wee of the day. I have had no bleeding yet and lots of pregnancy symptoms. I'm going out of my mind, I have had 2 miscarriages before so was booked in for a reassurance scan on the 29th but i really dont know what to do! Has anyone ever has a positive test then a negative a few days later and still been pregnant or am i just kidding myself?

Thank you xxxx
Sorry to hear that you are going through this. I can't say I have experienced this personally. Would you period be due to have arrived yet? Or were you testing before it was due? x
Hi, thank you for your reply!

Yes, my period was due on the 6th September. My 1st day of last period was the 6th Aug so i would be about 5 1/2 weeks xxx
I would suggest taking a trip to your GP or early pregnancy unit and explaining the situation so that they can test the HCG levels in your blood to try to shed some light on what is going on x
Thank you. I will book in with them to have my bloods done. I think i know what the results will be :( xxx
Doc for bloods is best bet...sometimes time of day you test will throw things off your first morning urine sample is best indicator with a test. good luck hun fingers crossed for you xx
Blood test negative, another miscarriage :( x
Aw sweetie. Really sorry to read that. :hug:
Ahhhh, hugs hun, atleast it was really early, not that it takes any pain away, but you didnt have to longer to start thinking and planning etc. Hope you know what I mean.
Still massive anti climax for you though!
Join us recent loss ladies in the coping section, we gee each other up when feeling peed of!! xx
Thank you so much hun. I might just do that x
I second Corinne, pop over if you are feeling the need to chat, so sorry hun, :hug:
Ah thank you so much girls! It means a lot x x x
I'm sorry honey!
It's rubbish that this has happened to you. With this being your 3rd m/c I hope that you've got some tests arranged with the docs! Perhaps some answers will make things better!
Bless you! Lots and lots of hugs!
Thanks hun! I'm not sure they would as i have managed to carry to full term once. I think in a week or two I might arrange an appointment to see what can be done. It's just such a roller-coaster. I promised myself i wouldn't get my hopes up but its hard not to. xxx
Of course it is honey! It's just human nature to get hopeful with this situation. I have carried to full term before too, but was promised that if I m/c'd this time I would have tests. I really think you should ask before the next few weeks. You deserve answers if you can get them.
I really feel for you right now. If there is anything I can do, let me know! Xxxx
Ah kat I'm sorry to read that...yep I three the ladies if you need to rant or chat go for it!xxx
ah thank you so much. you wouldn't believe how much that means! I will speak to the doctor to see what he can suggest xxxx

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